The quintly API is made for you to access all data points you already know from our tool. You need to have a quintly business account in order to access this API. Please get in touch with our support if you like to get access.
For authentication we use Basic Auth via HTTPS. For the username you have to send your quintly client id and for the password your API secret. If you don't have these details yet, please get in touch with our support.
Handling errors
In case of errors, the HTTP status code returns either 404 for a non-existing resource or 500 for any other error. You can expect the following JSON response to be sent in the response's body. There is success set to false and errors and errors.reason holding more specific information about the error. In most cases errors.errorType will return a unique identifier you can use to identify the specific type of error.
{ "success": false, "errors": { "reason": "The underlying SQL query failed: no such table: instagramInsight", "errorType": "qqlMalformed" } }
Requesting endpoints
All endpoints can be requested using both GET and POST requests. We recommend using POST requests because of much higher request size limits. Using POST, parameters need to be passed within the body of the request in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format.
Rate limits
So far rate limits have been set very loose and you should not hit any limits at all.
Understanding the concept of spaces
Business accounts can be split into fully isolated environments named spaces. By default, an account starts by having a single space named "Main". When it comes to operations like adding profiles, you need to specify the space a new profile should be added to.
Using the following endpoint you can access the list of available spaces within your account.
Managing users
Access the list of users in your account using the following endpoint. Certain operations require you to specify a user in whoms name the operation will be performed, for example when creating a new profile.
Managing profiles
There is full support to search, add, remove and list profiles within your account via the API.
Searching profiles
Before adding a new profile, you will need to uniquely identify the profile to be added. For this purpose, you can use the following endpoint for search. For Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn you can use free text search to find profiles by name or term. For Instagram, use the profile's username. For all these networks, you can also search by using the profile URL (e.g., TikTok and Snapchat Shows are special, because they are not searchable by name or URL and require authentication instead (read Adding profiles for TikTok and Snapchat Shows).
Adding profiles for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn
To add profiles, please specify the ID of the space you would like to add the new profile to (read Understanding the concept of spaces), and the social network URL for the profile to be added. Usually you will use the search-profiles endpoint described above to identify the social network URL of a profile.
Adding profiles for TikTok or Snapchat Shows
Adding TikTok or Snapchat Show profiles requires authentication. You can use the following endpoint to generate a link that can be shared with an external user. On this page, the external user can grant access to their TikTok or Snapchat Show profile. This page does not require credentials and it does not expire. It can safely be used and sent to all users you need to authenticate externally for the purpose of profile adding later on. The quintly user specified by its id (parameter "userId") will be notified, whenever access to new profiles has been granted.
With the following endpoint you can list all profiles, that have recently been authenticated by external users on the pages generated via the endpoint above.
Finally, you can add a profile available in the list of recently authenticated profiles, by using the following endpoint and the "platformType" and "platformId" attributes of a specific profile returned by the endpoint described above.
Removing profiles
To remove an existing profile from your account, provide the space and profile id to be deleted. Use the list-profiles endpoint to obtain the profile id.
Listing profiles
For listing all profiles within your account, use the following endpoint. Here you can also obtain the profile ids necessary to fetch data later on. Parameters "spaceId" and "groupId" are optional and can be used to filter the list of profiles.
Accessing private statistics
To access private stats for a profile, it is important to understand the concept of private stats use cases. In order to not ask for too wide permissions when accessing private stats data of your profiles, we have introduced different use cases when accessing this data. E.g., the use case of Facebook Basic Insights allows you to fetch basic Page and Post Insights. You can explore all available private stats use cases using the following endpoint.
Once you have identified the use cases covering the data points you would like to access, you have to activate these use cases for a specific profile. Use the following endpoint to do so.,2
After having activated use cases for a specific profile, you have to fulfill this use case by authenticating and granting the required permissions. You can retrieve an authentication link to do so using the following endpoint. This link can be shared with an external user and does not require credentials. It expires 7 days after creation.,2
To deactivate a profile's private stats use cases, use the following endpoint.,2
Fetching data
Loading data is handled via the qql endpoint. We recommend using the Metric Builder to easily build API requests. After you pressed Run QQL within Metric Builder, there is an API section within the Query results tab holding the complete API request for this metric and the current selection (profile, date and additional filters).
The qql endpoint offers the following parameters:
- qqlQuery: The QQL query describing the data to be loaded. Find further information on how to write QQL queries in our knowledge base.
- startTime: The beginning of the period you want to get the data for in format YYYY-MM-DD
- endTime: The end of the period you want to get the data for in format YYYY-MM-DD
- interval: The aggregation interval used for the analysis (daily, weekly, monthly, total)
- timezone (optional): By default our API does fetch and aggregate data using the timezone setting of the admin user of your quintly account. We strongly recommend to set an explicit timezone to not rely on settings of one of your users. The list of supported timezones can be found here. E.g. for fetching data in UTC timezone just use "UTC" here.
- sortBy (optional): Represents the qql field which will be used for sorting the data.
- sortDir (optional): Represents the sorting direction which will be used to sort the data. Expected values are 'asc' or 'desc'.
- start (optional): Represents the index of the first item of the requested data.This parameter can be used for pagination in combination with the 'limit' parameter.
- limit (optional): Represents the value to limit the requested data. This parameter can be also used for pagination in combination with the 'start' parameter.
- adAccountIds (optional): A comma-separated list of ad account ids (you can find the id of an ad account by using the list-ad-accounts endpoint described above). You can only fetch data for ad accounts added to your quintly account.
- profileIds (optional): A comma-separated list of profile ids (you can find the id of a profile by using the list-profiles endpoint described above). You can only fetch data for profiles added to your quintly account.
- postTags (optional): A configuration in JSON format describing what post tags to filter post/item-level data by. E.g. {"conjunction":"any","values":[<tagId1>,<tagId2>],"untagged":false}
- postText (optional): A configuration in JSON format describing what text to filter post/item-level data by. E.g. {"values":["keyword1", "keyword2"],"conjunction":"any"}
- adCampaign (optional): A configuration in JSON format describing what ad campaigns to filter ad data sources by. E.g. {"values":["Campaign name A", "Campaign name B"],"conjunction":"any"}
The following is an example for fetching the number of Page Likes for Facebook Pages.,%20time,%20fans%20FROM%20facebook&startTime=2014-01-01&endTime=2014-01-31&interval=weekly&profileIds=13,14
The response will be sent in JSON format. Here is a sample response for the example above.
{ "success":true, "data":[ {"profileId":13,"time":"2013-12-30 00:00:00","fans":1372}, {"profileId":14,"time":"2013-12-30 00:00:00","fans":218}, {"profileId":13,"time":"2014-01-06 00:00:00","fans":1371}, {"profileId":14,"time":"2014-01-06 00:00:00","fans":219}, {"profileId":13,"time":"2014-01-13 00:00:00","fans":1371}, {"profileId":14,"time":"2014-01-13 00:00:00","fans":219}, {"profileId":13,"time":"2014-01-20 00:00:00","fans":1371}, {"profileId":14,"time":"2014-01-20 00:00:00","fans":219}, {"profileId":13,"time":"2014-01-27 00:00:00","fans":1372}, {"profileId":14,"time":"2014-01-27 00:00:00","fans":219} ] }
Managing interactive shared dashboards links
Once you have created dashboards in the tool, there are several ways to share them. One option is to share the dashboard as an interactive version in form of a link.
Listing shared dashboard links
You can list all shared links in your account using the following endpoint.
Creating shared dashboard links
You can create a new link to share an interactive version of a dashboard using the following endpoint.
The following parameters are available for link creation.
- dashboardId: The ID of the dashboard to create an interactive version to be shared as a link. You usually extract the ID of a dashboard from its URL in the tool.
- userId: The ID of the user to be shown as the creator of the shared link
- groupId or profileIds: Provide either the ID of a group or a list of concrete profiles as a comma-separated list of profile IDs
- startTime, endTime or dynamicDate: Provide either a fixed time period in the form of a start and end time (in YYYY-MM-DD format) or provide a relative date definition using the dynamic date parameter (e.g., "last 30 days"). The dynamic date parameters supports all inputs accepted in the "Custom range" input of our date selector.
- interval: The aggregation interval used for the analysis (daily, weekly, monthly, total)
- timezone: The timezone used for the analysis. The list of supported timezones can be found here. E.g. for fetching data in UTC timezone just use "UTC" here.
- postTags (optional): A configuration in JSON format describing what post tags to filter post/item-level data by. E.g. {"conjunction":"any","values":[<tagId1>,<tagId2>],"untagged":false}
- postText (optional): A configuration in JSON format describing what text to include post/item-level data by. E.g. {"values":["keyword1", "keyword2"],"conjunction":"any"}
- postTextExclude (optional): A configuration in JSON format describing what text to exclude post/item-level data by. E.g. {"values":["keyword1", "keyword2"],"conjunction":"any"}
- hasExpiry (optional): If set to 1, the link will expire at the provided valid until date. The default is no expiry.
- validUntil (optional): If the link is set to expire, provide the expiration date in YYYY-MM-DD format
- isPasswordProtected (optional): If set to 1, a password is required to access the interactive version of the dashboard. The default is no password.
- password (optional): If the link requires a password, provide the password here
Updating shared dashboard links
Similar to creating a new shared link, you can also update existing ones.
The following parameters are available for updating links.
- id: The ID of the link to be updated
- groupId or profileIds: Provide either the ID of a group or a list of concrete profiles as a comma-separated list of profile IDs
- startTime, endTime or dynamicDate: Provide either a fixed time period in the form of a start and end time (in YYYY-MM-DD format) or provide a relative date definition using the dynamic date parameter (e.g., "last 30 days"). The dynamic date parameters supports all inputs accepted in the "Custom range" input of our date selector.
- interval: The aggregation interval used for the analysis (daily, weekly, monthly, total)
- timezone: The timezone used for the analysis. The list of supported timezones can be found here. E.g. for fetching data in UTC timezone just use "UTC" here.
- postTags (optional): A configuration in JSON format describing what post tags to filter post/item-level data by. E.g. {"conjunction":"any","values":[<tagId1>,<tagId2>],"untagged":false}
- postText (optional): A configuration in JSON format describing what text to include post/item-level data by. E.g. {"values":["keyword1", "keyword2"],"conjunction":"any"}
- postTextExclude (optional): A configuration in JSON format describing what text to exclude post/item-level data by. E.g. {"values":["keyword1", "keyword2"],"conjunction":"any"}
- hasExpiry (optional): If set to 1, the link will expire at the provided valid until date. The default is no expiry.
- validUntil (optional): If the link is set to expire, provide the expiration date in YYYY-MM-DD format
- isPasswordProtected (optional): If set to 1, a password is required to access the interactive version of the dashboard. The default is no password.
- password (optional): If the link requires a password, provide the password here
Removing shared dashboard links
To remove an existing link, use the following endpoint.<ID of the shared link>
Fetching data source meta data
Please use the following endpoint to access meta data for all available data sources.
Fetching data push task configurations
Please use the following endpoint to access meta data for your data push task configurations.
To fetch recent logs for a data push task, use the following endpoint.<ID of the data push task>
Data sources are represented by tables you can use within your QQL queries. Below you can find all available data tables and their columns. Just click the respective table name to get further information and to see the table schema.
Holding public data for Facebook Pages and their development over time. All numbers are aggregates across the whole Facebook Page.
Time-series data
This data source returns time-series data representing the development of a set of metrics over time. More specific, time-series data sources return one row per profile per time interval. Each of our data sources supports one or more of the following intervals: daily, weekly, monthly or total. E.g. a request with time period Jan 1st to Jan 10th, daily interval and two profiles selected will return 20 rows. The total interval by definition returns one row per profile holding the numbers for the single "total" interval.
Please note that for weekly and monthly intervals the start and end time of the selected time period will be expanded to cover full intervals. E.g. for monthly interval a time period from 3rd of March to 10th of April will be expanded to March 1st to April 30th to cover full months.
- For Pages that switched to the New Pages Experience, Fan metrics return the Follower count instead.
- Except for fans, checkins and people talking about metrics this data source calculates account-wide metrics by aggregating the results of all the posts (data source facebookOwnPosts) created in each interval. This also means that days, weeks or months without any posts published show 0 for all engagement metrics. This is to be differentiated from Facebook Insights data (data source facebookInsights) where the actual interaction time is considered for reporting, independent of when content has been published.
- Targeted posts are not imported.
- Deleted posts will not be removed from our database once they have been imported.
- When a Facebook Page disallows visitor posts, user posts will always be 0. Additionally, some user posts might not be included if the users who made them, do not allow their data to be shared via the API.
- Posts that contain links to YouTube or other web video players are considered video posts.
Column name | Type | Description |
unique |
STRING | Unique identifier for this row that can be used as a primary key. |
profile |
INTEGER | Identifier for the profile this row belongs to. It's a quintly internal ID and meta data can be fetched by joining the "profiles" table which is ready to be used with all QQL queries. |
time | DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month). |
interval |
DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the beginning of the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month) in user timezone. |
interval |
DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the end of the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month) in user timezone. |
fans | INTEGER | Number of Page Likes for this Facebook Page at the end of the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month). A Page must have at least 30 or more fans for this data to be returned. For Global Pages this shows the global Page Like count. For Pages that switched to the New Pages Experience, it will return the Follower count instead. |
fans |
INTEGER | Number of Page Likes for this Facebook Page at the beginning of the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month). A Page must have at least 30 or more Page Likes for this data to be returned. For Pages that switched to the New Pages Experience, it will return the Follower count instead. |
fans |
INTEGER | Change of the total number of Page Likes for this Facebook Page. For Pages that switched to the New Pages Experience, it will return the Follower count instead. |
followers | INTEGER | Number of Page Followers for this Facebook Page at the end of the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month). |
followers |
INTEGER | Number of Page Followers for this Facebook Page at the beginning of the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month). |
followers |
INTEGER | Change of the total number of Page Followers for this Facebook Page. |
checkins | INTEGER | Number of times a Page checked in at a place. |
checkins |
INTEGER | No documentation available yet |
checkins |
INTEGER | No documentation available yet |
people |
INTEGER | Number of people talking about a Page. |
people |
INTEGER | No documentation available yet |
people |
INTEGER | No documentation available yet |
people |
DECIMAL | No documentation available yet |
people |
PERCENT | No documentation available yet |
own |
INTEGER | Number of posts created on the page. This takes into account the creation time of the own post and not when the interaction occurred. Be aware that Reels are not included. |
own |
INTEGER | Number of comments and replies on comment the Page's posts got. This takes into account the creation time of the own post and not when the interaction occurred. |
own |
INTEGER | Number of likes on the Page's posts. This takes into account the creation time of the own post and not when the interaction occurred. |
own |
INTEGER | Number of Love reactions on the Page's posts. This takes into account the creation time of the own post and not when the interaction occurred. |
own |
INTEGER | Number of Wow reactions on the Page's posts. This takes into account the creation time of the own post and not when the interaction occurred. |
own |
INTEGER | Number of Haha reactions on the Page's posts. This takes into account the creation time of the own post and not when the interaction occurred. |
own |
INTEGER | Number of Sad reactions on the Page's posts. This takes into account the creation time of the own post and not when the interaction occurred. |
own |
INTEGER | Number of Angry reactions on the Page's posts. This takes into account the creation time of the own post and not when the interaction occurred. |
own |
INTEGER | Number of Shares on the Page's posts. This takes into account the creation time of the own post and not when the interaction occurred. |
own |
INTEGER | Number of posts created in Link type. |
own |
INTEGER | Number of posts created in Music type |
own |
INTEGER | Number of posts created in Photo type |
own |
INTEGER | Number of posts created in Status type |
own |
INTEGER | Number of posts created in Flash type |
own |
INTEGER | Number of posts created in Video type |
own |
INTEGER | Number of posts created in Misc type |
user |
INTEGER | Number of user posts created. |
user |
INTEGER | Number of comments on user posts. This takes into account the creation time of the user post and not when the interaction occurred. |
user |
INTEGER | Number of likes on user posts. This takes into account the creation time of the user post and not when the interaction occurred. |
user |
INTEGER | Number of shares on user posts. This takes into account the creation time of the user post and not when the interaction occurred. |
questions | INTEGER | Number of questions on a Page. Questions are defined as any user post that includes a "?". |
response |
INTEGER | Number of user questions that were replied to within 0 and 2 hours. |
response |
INTEGER | Number of user questions that were replied to within 2 and 8 hours. |
response |
INTEGER | Number of user questions that were replied to within 8 and 24 hours. |
response |
INTEGER | Number of user questions that were replied to after 24 hours |
response |
INTEGER | Number of user posts created which were detected as a question but were not commented on. |
Holding information about Facebook ads running in the context of a Facebook Page.
- Shows ads from ad accounts under which the selected Facebook Pages have been promoted and where the ad's promoted post belongs to one of the selected Facebook Pages.
Column name | Type | Description |
unique |
STRING | Unique identifier for this row that can be used as a primary key. |
profile |
INTEGER | Identifier for the profile this row belongs to. It's a quintly internal ID and meta data can be fetched by joining the "profiles" table which is ready to be used with all QQL queries. |
account |
STRING | The ID of the ad account with which the ad was published. |
account |
STRING | The name of the ad account with which the ad was published. |
currency | STRING | The currency by which all costs under the Facebook ad account are specified. |
campaign |
INTEGER | The ID of the ad campaign to which the ad belongs. |
campaign |
STRING | The name of the ad campaign to which the ad belongs. |
campaign |
STRING | The defined objective of the ad campaign to which the ad belongs. |
campaign |
ENUM | The status of the ad campaign to which the ad belongs. |
updated |
DATETIME | Updated time |
ad |
DATETIME | The scheduled start time of the ad set to which the ad belongs. |
ad |
DATETIME | The scheduled end time of the ad set to which the ad belongs. |
time | DATETIME | The time this posting was created. In this case, this field refers to the creation time of the ad set to which the ad belongs. |
import |
DATETIME | The last time quintly fetched a fresh snapshot of this posting using the APIs of the social networks and there was a modification compared to its former state. |
ad |
INTEGER | The ID of the ad set to which the ad belongs. |
ad |
STRING | The name of the ad set to which the ad belongs. |
ad |
STRING | The billing event of the ad set to which the ad belongs. A billing event refers to the event that triggers charging the ad account (e.g. post engagements, video views, etc.). |
ad |
STRING | The optimization goal of the ad set to which the ad belongs. |
ad |
ENUM | The status of the ad set to which the ad belongs. |
ad |
DATETIME | The time the adset was created. |
id | INTEGER | The ID of the ad. |
name | STRING | The name of the ad. |
status | ENUM | The effective status of the ad. |
ad |
ENUM | The status of the ad. |
bid |
STRING | The bidding type of the ad (e.g. CPA, Absolute OCPM, etc.). |
is |
BOOLEAN | Yields "1" if the post of this ad is a promoted post, which could also appear on the page's timeline, and an empty string otherwise (also known as a "Dark Post", which is visible only in a promoted manner). |
post |
STRING | The ID of the post that's being presented with the ad. |
instagram |
STRING | The ID of the instagram post. |
instagram |
STRING | The ID of the instagram account of the related instagram post. |
message | STRING | The contents of the post's body. |
post |
ENUM | The type of the post that's presented with the ad. |
thumbnail |
LINK | The ad's thumbnail URL. |
link | LINK | The link to the ad's post |
spend | DECIMAL | The estimated total amount of money spent on an ad during its schedule. |
social |
DECIMAL | The total amount spent on ads showed with social information (e.g. John Doe likes this). |
is |
BOOLEAN | Yields "1" if the post of this ad was published on Facebook, and an empty string otherwise. |
is |
BOOLEAN | Yields "1" if the post of this ad was published on Instagram, and an empty string otherwise. |
targeted |
STRING | Describes which are the targeted platforms of this ad. |
targeting |
STRING | A summary of the ad's targeting settings, that may include location, age and language targeting. |
targeting |
STRING | The ad's target user locations |
targeting |
STRING | The ad's target user countries of residence |
targeting |
STRING | The ad's target user ages |
targeting |
STRING | The ad's targeted user languages |
targeting |
STRING | The ad's excluded matches (e.g. excluded interests) |
targeting |
STRING | The ad's targeted users (e.g. interests) |
targeting |
STRING | The ad's target connections (e.g. people who liked the page already) |
targeting |
STRING | The ad's custom audience targeting |
targeting |
STRING | The Ad's placements (e.g. news feed on desktop computers) |
frequency | DECIMAL | The average number of times each person saw the ad. |
impressions | INTEGER | The number of times the ad was on screen. |
clicks | INTEGER | The number of clicks on the ads. |
reach | INTEGER | The number of people who saw the ad at least once. Reach is different from impressions, which may include multiple views of the ad by the same people. |
unique |
INTEGER | The distinct number of people who clicked on the ad. |
unique |
INTEGER | The number of people who performed an inline link click. |
cpm | DECIMAL | The average cost for 1000 impressions of the ad. |
cpp | DECIMAL | The average cost to reach 1000 people with the ad. |
cpc | DECIMAL | The average cost for each click on the ad. |
unique |
DECIMAL | The average cost for each unique click. |
omni |
DECIMAL | The total return on ad spend from omni purchases. |
estimated |
DECIMAL | The rate at which an estimated number of additional people, when asked, would remember seeing your ads within 2 days. This metric is only available for assets in the Brand awareness, Post engagement and Video views Objectives. This metric is estimated and in development. |
estimated |
INTEGER | An estimate of the number of additional people who may remember seeing your ads, if asked, within 2 days. This metric is only available for assets in the Brand awareness, Post engagement and Video views Objectives. This metric is estimated and in development. |
ctr | DECIMAL | The percentage of times people saw the ad and performed a click. |
unique |
DECIMAL | The percentage of people who saw the ad and performed a unique click. |
unique |
DECIMAL | The percentage of people who saw the ad and performed a link click. |
unique |
DECIMAL | TThe percentage of people who saw the ad and performed an outbound click. |
outbound |
DECIMAL | The percentage of times people saw the ad and performed an outbound click. |
website |
DECIMAL | The percentage of times people saw the ad and performed a link click. |
inline |
DECIMAL | The percentage of time people saw the ads and performed an inline link click. |
unique |
DECIMAL | The percentage of times people saw the ad and performed a link click. Inline click-through rate uses a fixed 1-day-click attribution window. |
page (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of people who engaged with the Facebook Page through the ad. |
post (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of people who engaged with the ad. |
lead |
INTEGER | The number of times people who took an action 'LEAD' on Facebook that was attributed to your ads. This metric is estimated. |
likes (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of likes performed on the page through the ad. |
comments (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of comments left on the post through the ad. |
saves (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of saves left on the post through the ad. |
video (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of people who viewed the video through the ad (when relevant). |
link |
INTEGER | The number of clicks on a link through the ad (when relevant). |
link |
INTEGER | The number of people who clicked on a link through the ad (when relevant). |
landing (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of people who viewed a landing page through the ad (when relevant). |
photo (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of people who viewed the photo through the ad (when relevant). |
post |
INTEGER | The number of Facebook reactions on the post through the ad. |
post (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
INTEGER | The unique number of Facebook reactions on the post through the ad. |
post (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of people who shared the post through the ad. |
mobile (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of people who installed the mobile app through the ad. |
purchase | INTEGER | The number of purchase events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools. |
unique (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
INTEGER | The estimated number of people who completed at least one purchase. |
unique (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of people who added payment info that was attributed to your ads. This metric is estimated. |
unique (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of people who added to chart that was attributed to your ads. This metric is estimated. |
unique (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of people who added to whitelist an action that was attributed to your ads. This metric is estimated. |
unique (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of people who completed registration that was attributed to your ads. This metric is estimated. |
unique (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of people who took an action that was attributed to your ads which is a custom pixel events defined by the advertiser This metric is estimated. |
unique (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of people who initiated checkout that was attributed to your ads. This metric is estimated. |
unique (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of people who took an action 'LEAD' that was attributed to your ads. This metric is estimated. |
unique (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of people who took an action 'PURCHASE' that was attributed to your ads. This metric is estimated. |
unique (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of people who took an action 'SEARCH' that was attributed to your ads. This metric is estimated. |
unique (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of people who viewed the content that was attributed to your ads. This metric is estimated. |
unique (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of people who took an action 'LEAD' on Facebook that was attributed to your ads. This metric is estimated. |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost per engagement with the Facebook Page through the ad. |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost per engagement with the ad. |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost per like on the page through the ad. |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost per comment left on the post through the ad. |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost per video view through the ad (when relevant). |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost per link click through the ad (when relevant). |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost per landing page view through the ad (when relevant). |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost per photo view through the ad (when relevant). |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost per Facebook reaction on the post through the ad. |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost per share of the post through the ad. |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost per mobile app installation through the ad. |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost per number of people who added payment info that was attributed to your ads. This metric is estimated. |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost per number of people who added to chart that was attributed to your ads. This metric is estimated. |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost per number of people who added to whitelist an action that was attributed to your ads. This metric is estimated. |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost per number of people who completed registration that was attributed to your ads. This metric is estimated. |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost per number of people who took an action that was attributed to your ads which is a custom pixel events defined by the advertiser This metric is estimated. |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost per number of people who initiated checkout that was attributed to your ads. This metric is estimated. |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost per number of people who took an action 'LEAD' that was attributed to your ads. This metric is estimated. |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost per number of people who took an action 'PURCHASE' that was attributed to your ads. This metric is estimated. |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost per number of people who took an action 'SEARCH' that was attributed to your ads. This metric is estimated. |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost per number of people who viewed the content that was attributed to your ads. This metric is estimated. |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost per lead that was attributed to your ads. This metric is estimated. |
cost (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
DECIMAL | The average cost per unique engagement with the Facebook Page through the ad. |
cost (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
DECIMAL | The average cost per unique engagement with the ad. |
cost (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
DECIMAL | The average cost per like on the post through the ad. |
cost (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
DECIMAL | The average cost per comment left on the post through the ad. |
cost (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
DECIMAL | The average cost per unique video view through the ad (when relevant). |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost per unique link click through the ad (when relevant). |
cost (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
DECIMAL | The average cost per unique landing page view through the ad (when relevant). |
cost (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
DECIMAL | The average cost per unique photo view through the ad (when relevant). |
cost (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
DECIMAL | The average cost per Facebook reaction on the post through the ad. |
cost (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
DECIMAL | The average cost per unique share of the post through the ad. |
cost (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
DECIMAL | The average cost per unique mobile app installation through the ad. |
cost |
DECIMAL | The average cost for each estimated ad recall lift. This metric is only available for assets in the Brand awareness, Post engagement and Video views Objectives. This metric is estimated and in development. |
cost (Deprecates October 30, 2024) |
DECIMAL | The average cost per unique lead that was attributed to your ads. This metric is estimated. |
quality (Deprecates September 12, 2023) |
STRING | A ranking of your ad's perceived quality. Quality is measured using feedback on your ads and the post-click experience. Your ad is ranked against ads that competed for the same audience. |
engagement (Deprecates September 12, 2023) |
STRING | A ranking of your ad's expected engagement rate. Engagement includes all clicks, likes, comments and shares. Your ad is ranked against ads that competed for the same audience. |
conversion (Deprecates September 12, 2023) |
STRING | A ranking of your ad's expected conversion rate. Your ad is ranked against ads with your optimization goal that competed for the same audience. |
actions | OBJECT | The total number of actions people took that are attributed to your ads. Actions may include engagement, clicks or conversions. |
action |
OBJECT | The total value of all conversions attributed to your ads. |
unique |
OBJECT | The number of people who took an action that was attributed to your ads. This metric is estimated. |
costs |
OBJECT | The average cost of a relevant action. |
costs |
OBJECT | The average cost of each unique action. This metric is estimated. |
page |
INTEGER | The number of times people who engaged with the Facebook Page through the campaign. |
post |
INTEGER | The number of times people who engaged with the ad. |
likes |
INTEGER | The number of times likes performed on the page through the campaign. |
comments |
INTEGER | The number of times comments left on the post through the campaign. |
video |
INTEGER | The number of times people who viewed the video through the campaign (when relevant). |
link |
INTEGER | The number of times people who clicked on a link through the campaign (when relevant). |
landing |
INTEGER | The number of times people who viewed a landing page through the campaign (when relevant). |
photo |
INTEGER | The number of times people who viewed the photo through the campaign (when relevant). |
post |
INTEGER | The number of times Facebook reactions on the post through the campaign. |
outbound |
DECIMAL | The number of times people saw the ad and performed an outbound click. |
mobile |
DECIMAL | The number of times people who installed the mobile app through the ad. |
fb |
DECIMAL | The number of times people clicks on save billing information button. |
fb |
DECIMAL | The number of times people clicks on an add to cart button. |
fb |
DECIMAL | The number of times people clicks on an add to wishlist button. |
fb |
DECIMAL | The number of times people submits a completed subscription or signup form. |
fb |
DECIMAL | The number of times people customizes a product. |
fb |
DECIMAL | The number of times people clicks on a checkout button. |
fb |
DECIMAL | The number of times people clicks on pricing. |
fb |
DECIMAL | The number of times people finished the purchase or checkout flow and lands on thank you or confirmation page.The amount of money spent on this ad campaign. |
fb |
DECIMAL | The number of times people searched for a product. |
fb |
DECIMAL | The number of times people lands on a product details page. |
lead |
DECIMAL | The amount of money spent on this ad campaign. |
omni |
DECIMAL | The number of times people has finished the purchase or checkout. |
Holding public data for comments and their replies created on posts that were posted in the selected time range. Please note that this takes into account the creation time of the commented-on posts and not the creation time of the comment.
- Some comments might be missing depending on the privacy settings of the users who commented.
- Because of Facebook removing the unique identifier for comments for public data access from Sep 7th 2021 onwards, we are using the published time of a comment as an identifier instead. As a direct result, in cases where there are multiple comments published at the exact same second on a specific post, the oldest comment wins over newer ones.
- Initial imports will cover comments for posts published within the last 3 days.
- Comments are updated for posts published within the last 3 days in a rolling fashion.
Column name | Type | Description |
unique |
STRING | Unique identifier for this row that can be used as a primary key. |
profile |
INTEGER | Identifier for the profile this row belongs to. It's a quintly internal ID and meta data can be fetched by joining the "profiles" table which is ready to be used with all QQL queries. |
time | DATETIME | The time this comment was made. |
import |
DATETIME | The last time quintly fetched a fresh snapshot of this posting using the APIs of the social networks and there was a modification compared to its former state. |
message | STRING | The main content of this comment (not including attachments). |
link | LINK | A link to this comment or the related post on Facebook. From September 7th, 2021, this will link to the post this comment belongs to because of Facebook removing the unique identifier for comments for public data access. |
external |
STRING | The ID of this comment provided by Facebook. From September 7th, 2021, this will return NULL in all cases because of Facebook removing the unique identifier for comments for public data access. |
external |
STRING | The ID of the post this comment belongs to provided by Facebook. |
user |
STRING | The ID of the author of this comment provided by Facebook. Only available if the author is a Facebook Page. Returns NULL in all other cases. |
user |
STRING | The name of the author of this comment. Only available if the author is a Facebook Page. Returns NULL in all other cases. |
is |
BOOLEAN | Returns true if this is a comment by the Page who created the post this comment belongs to. |
attachment |
LINK | The type of the comment's attachment. Holds NULL if no attachment URL is available. |
attachment |
LINK | The URL of the comment's attachment. Holds NULL if no attachment URL is available. |
attachment |
LINK | The URL to the attachment preview picture. Holds NULL if no attachment preview picture is available. |
post |
DATETIME | The published time of the post this comment belongs to. |
post |
STRING | The contents of the post this comment belongs to. |
post |
LINK | The link to the post this comment belongs to. |
reactions | INTEGER | Number of reactions (Like, Love, Wow, Haha, Sorry and Angry) the comment got. |
replies | INTEGER | Number of replies to this comment. |
Holding private-level data for Facebook Pages from Facebook Insights and their development over time. All numbers are aggregates across the whole Facebook Page. Please note that Facebook Insights provide data for only three different intervals: daily, weekly and 28 days and thus for unique metrics like Reach one cannot go beyond 28 day analysis.
Time-series data
This data source returns time-series data representing the development of a set of metrics over time. More specific, time-series data sources return one row per profile per time interval. Each of our data sources supports one or more of the following intervals: daily, weekly, monthly or total. E.g. a request with time period Jan 1st to Jan 10th, daily interval and two profiles selected will return 20 rows. The total interval by definition returns one row per profile holding the numbers for the single "total" interval.
Please note that for weekly and monthly intervals the start and end time of the selected time period will be expanded to cover full intervals. E.g. for monthly interval a time period from 3rd of March to 10th of April will be expanded to March 1st to April 30th to cover full months.
- Daily, weekly and monthly intervals are aggregated in PST timezone as provided by Facebook.
- The monthly interval shows 28 day values as provided by Facebook representing the last 28 days of each month.
- Demographic metrics, such as age, gender, and location, are only returned if there is data for 100 or more people.
- Facebook provides access to Insights data for the past two years. Thus initial imports will cover up to two years of data.
- Facebook updates most metrics once every 24 hours. Columns referencing to metrics refreshing several times a day hold a hint in their column description. Make use of column importTime to know exactly when a data row has been last modified.
Column name | Type | Description |
unique |
STRING | Unique identifier for this row that can be used as a primary key. |
profile |
INTEGER | Identifier for the profile this row belongs to. It's a quintly internal ID and meta data can be fetched by joining the "profiles" table which is ready to be used with all QQL queries. |
time | DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month). |
interval |
DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the beginning of the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month) in user timezone. |
interval |
DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the end of the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month) in user timezone. |
import |
DATETIME | The last time quintly fetched a fresh snapshot for this profile and interval using the APIs of the social networks and there was a modification compared to its former state. |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
Number of stories created about your Page within the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month). Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_content_activity_day page_content_activity_week page_content_activity_days_28 |
page |
The number of stories about Page checkins published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_content_activity_by_action_type_checkin_day page_content_activity_by_action_type_checkin_week page_content_activity_by_action_type_checkin_days_28 |
page |
The number of stories about offer claims published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_content_activity_by_action_type_coupon_day page_content_activity_by_action_type_coupon_week page_content_activity_by_action_type_coupon_days_28 |
page |
The number of stories about RSVPing to events published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_content_activity_by_action_type_event_day page_content_activity_by_action_type_event_week page_content_activity_by_action_type_event_days_28 |
page |
The number of stories about Page likes published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_content_activity_by_action_type_fan_day page_content_activity_by_action_type_fan_week page_content_activity_by_action_type_fan_days_28 |
page |
The number of stories about Page mentions published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_content_activity_by_action_type_mention_day page_content_activity_by_action_type_mention_week page_content_activity_by_action_type_mention_days_28 |
page |
The number of stories about posts by other Pages published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_content_activity_by_action_type_page_post_day page_content_activity_by_action_type_page_post_week page_content_activity_by_action_type_page_post_days_28 |
page |
The number of stories about answers to questions published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_content_activity_by_action_type_question_day page_content_activity_by_action_type_question_week page_content_activity_by_action_type_question_days_28 |
page |
The number of stories about posts by users on the Page's timeline. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_content_activity_by_action_type_user_post_day page_content_activity_by_action_type_user_post_week page_content_activity_by_action_type_user_post_days_28 |
page |
The number of stories about other story types published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_content_activity_by_action_type_other_day page_content_activity_by_action_type_other_week page_content_activity_by_action_type_other_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
The number of people talking about the Page's Page checkin stories. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_checkin_day page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_checkin_week page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_checkin_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
The number of people talking about the Page's offer claim stories. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_coupon_day page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_coupon_week page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_coupon_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
The number of people talking about the Page's RSVPing to event stories. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_event_day page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_event_week page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_event_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
The number of people talking about the Page's Page like stories. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_fan_day page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_fan_week page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_fan_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
The number of people talking about the Page's Page mention stories. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_mention_day page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_mention_week page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_mention_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
The number of people talking about posts by other Pages about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_page_post_day page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_page_post_week page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_page_post_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
The number of people talking about the Page's answers to question stories. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_question_day page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_question_week page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_question_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
The number of people talking about posts by users on the Page's timeline. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_user_post_day page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_user_post_week page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_user_post_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
The number of people talking about the Page's other story types. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_other_day page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_other_week page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique_other_days_28 |
page |
The number of times any content from the Page or about the Page entered a person's screen. This includes posts, stories, check-ins, ads, social information from people who interact with the Page and more. Refreshes several times during the day. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_day page_impressions_week page_impressions_days_28 |
page |
The number of times any content from the Page or about the Page entered a person's screen through paid distribution such as an ad. Refreshes several times during the day. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_paid_day page_impressions_paid_week page_impressions_paid_days_28 |
page |
The number of times any content from the Page or about the Page entered a person's screen through unpaid distribution. This includes posts, stories, check-ins, social information from people who interact with the Page and more. Refreshes several times during the day. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_organic_day page_impressions_organic_week page_impressions_organic_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Total impressions of Page checkin stories published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_by_story_type_checkin_day page_impressions_by_story_type_checkin_week page_impressions_by_story_type_checkin_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Total impressions of offer claim stories published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_by_story_type_coupon_day page_impressions_by_story_type_coupon_week page_impressions_by_story_type_coupon_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Total impressions of RSVPing to event stories published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_by_story_type_event_day page_impressions_by_story_type_event_week page_impressions_by_story_type_event_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Total impressions of Page like stories published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_by_story_type_fan_day page_impressions_by_story_type_fan_week page_impressions_by_story_type_fan_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Total impressions of Page mention stories published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_by_story_type_mention_day page_impressions_by_story_type_mention_week page_impressions_by_story_type_mention_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Total impressions of posts by other Pages published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_by_story_type_page_post_day page_impressions_by_story_type_page_post_week page_impressions_by_story_type_page_post_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Total impressions of answers to question stories published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_by_story_type_question_day page_impressions_by_story_type_question_week page_impressions_by_story_type_question_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Total impressions of posts by users on the Page's timeline. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_by_story_type_user_post_day page_impressions_by_story_type_user_post_week page_impressions_by_story_type_user_post_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Total impressions of other story types published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_by_story_type_other_day page_impressions_by_story_type_other_week page_impressions_by_story_type_other_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
The number of people who saw Page checkin stories published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_checkin_day page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_checkin_week page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_checkin_days_28 |
page |
The number of people who saw offer claim stories published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_coupon_day page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_coupon_week page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_coupon_days_28 |
page |
The number of people who saw RSVPing to event stories published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_event_day page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_event_week page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_event_days_28 |
page |
The number of people who saw Page like stories published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_fan_day page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_fan_week page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_fan_days_28 |
page |
The number of people who saw Page mention stories published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_mention_day page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_mention_week page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_mention_days_28 |
page |
The number of people who saw posts by other Pages published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_page_post_day page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_page_post_week page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_page_post_days_28 |
page |
The number of people who saw answers to question stories published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_question_day page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_question_week page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_question_days_28 |
page |
The number of people who saw posts by users on the Page's timeline. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_user_post_day page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_user_post_week page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_user_post_days_28 |
page |
The number of people who saw other story types published about the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_other_day page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_other_week page_impressions_by_story_type_unique_other_days_28 |
page |
Also known as Reach. The number of people who had any content from the Page or about the Page enter their screen. This includes posts, stories, check-ins, ads, social information from people who interact with the Page and more. Refreshes several times during the day. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_unique_day page_impressions_unique_week page_impressions_unique_days_28 |
page |
The number of people who had any content from the Page or about the Page enter their screen through paid distribution such as an ad. Refreshes several times during the day. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_paid_unique_day page_impressions_paid_unique_week page_impressions_paid_unique_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
The number of people who had any content from the Page or about the Page enter their screen through unpaid distribution. This includes posts, stories, check-ins, social information from people who interact with the Page and more. Refreshes several times during the day. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_organic_unique_day page_impressions_organic_unique_week page_impressions_organic_unique_days_28 |
page |
The number of people who had any of the Page's posts enter their screen. Posts include statuses, photos, links, videos and more. Refreshes several times during the day. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_posts_impressions_unique_day page_posts_impressions_unique_week page_posts_impressions_unique_days_28 |
page |
The number of people who had any of the Page's posts enter their screen through paid distribution such as an ad. Refreshes several times during the day. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_posts_impressions_paid_unique_day page_posts_impressions_paid_unique_week page_posts_impressions_paid_unique_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
The number of times the Page's posts entered a person's screen through unpaid distribution. Refreshes several times during the day. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_posts_impressions_organic_day page_posts_impressions_organic_week page_posts_impressions_organic_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
The number of people who had any of the Page's posts enter their screen through unpaid distribution. Refreshes several times during the day. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_posts_impressions_organic_unique_day page_posts_impressions_organic_unique_week page_posts_impressions_organic_unique_days_28 |
page |
The number of times people have engaged with the Page's posts through reactions, comments, shares and more. For example, this includes when a person clicks to enlarge an image, or clicks to "read more" text. Refreshes several times during the day. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_post_engagements_day page_post_engagements_week page_post_engagements_days_28 |
page |
The number of times any content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen with social information attached. Social information displays when a person's friend interacted with your Page, post or story. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. Refreshes several times during the day. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_viral_day page_impressions_viral_week page_impressions_viral_days_28 |
page |
The number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen through with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person's friend interacted with your Page, post or story. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. Refreshes several times during the day. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_viral_unique_day page_impressions_viral_unique_week page_impressions_viral_unique_days_28 |
page |
The number of times any content from your Page entered a person's screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. Social information displays when a person's friend interacted with your Page, post or story. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. Refreshes several times during the day. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_nonviral_day page_impressions_nonviral_week page_impressions_nonviral_days_28 |
page |
The number of people who had any content from your Page enter their screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person's friend interacted with your Page, post or story. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. Refreshes several times during the day. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_impressions_nonviral_unique_day page_impressions_nonviral_unique_week page_impressions_nonviral_unique_days_28 |
page |
The number of times the Page's posts entered a person's screen. This does not include content created about the Page with social information attached. Social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This does not include when someone's friend likes or follows the Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of the Page and checks into the Page. Refreshes several times during the day. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_posts_impressions_nonviral_day page_posts_impressions_nonviral_week page_posts_impressions_nonviral_days_28 |
page |
The number of people who had any posts by the Page enter their screen. This does not include content created about the Page with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This does not include when someone's friend likes or follows the Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of the Page and checks into the Page. Refreshes several times during the day. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_posts_impressions_nonviral_unique_day page_posts_impressions_nonviral_unique_week page_posts_impressions_nonviral_unique_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Number of clicks on the Facebook Page's website link. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_website_clicks_logged_in_count_day page_website_clicks_logged_in_count_week page_website_clicks_logged_in_count_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Number of unique people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the goto website CTA (Click to Action) button Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_website_clicks_logged_in_unique_day page_website_clicks_logged_in_unique_week page_website_clicks_logged_in_unique_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
Number of people who engaged with the Page. Engagement includes any click or story created. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_engaged_users_day page_engaged_users_week page_engaged_users_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
Number of clicks on any of the Page's content. Stories generated without clicks on page content (e.g., liking the page in Timeline) are not included. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_consumptions_day page_consumptions_week page_consumptions_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Number of people who clicked on any of the Page's content. Stories that are created without clicking on Page content (ex, liking the Page from timeline) are not included. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_consumptions_unique_day page_consumptions_unique_week page_consumptions_unique_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
The number of times people clicked on any of your content by clicks on links. This e.g. includes clicks on links in the Page's posts. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_link_clicks_day page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_link_clicks_week page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_link_clicks_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Number of other clicks on the Page's content which doesn't include link clicks, photo views or video plays. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_other_clicks_day page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_other_clicks_week page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_other_clicks_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Number of clicks on photos the Page got. Clicks on photos always leads to an expanded view of the photo. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_photo_view_day page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_photo_view_week page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_photo_view_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Number of clicks on Page's video which played for at least 3 seconds or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds, after people clicked play. During a single instance of a video playing, any time spent replaying the video will be excluded. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_video_play_day page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_video_play_week page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_video_play_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Number of people who clicked on the Page's links. This e.g. includes clicks on links in the Page's posts. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_unique_link_clicks_day page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_unique_link_clicks_week page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_unique_link_clicks_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Number of people who clicked on the Page's content which doesn't include link clicks, photo views or video plays. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_unique_other_clicks_day page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_unique_other_clicks_week page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_unique_other_clicks_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Number of people who clicked on the Page's photos. Clicks on photos always leads to an expanded view of the photo. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_unique_photo_view_day page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_unique_photo_view_week page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_unique_photo_view_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Number of people who clicked on the Page's videos. Auto-plays on videos aren't included here as they didn't require any clicks Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_unique_video_play_day page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_unique_video_play_week page_consumptions_by_consumption_type_unique_video_play_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Number of check-ins at the Page's Place. Only available if checkin functionality is enabled for the Facebook Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_places_checkin_total_day page_places_checkin_total_week page_places_checkin_total_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Number of people who checked in at the Page's Place. Only available if checkin functionality is enabled for the Facebook Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_places_checkin_total_unique_day page_places_checkin_total_unique_week page_places_checkin_total_unique_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
Number of check-ins at the Page's Place using mobile devices. Only available if checkin functionality is enabled for the Facebook Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_places_checkin_mobile_day page_places_checkin_mobile_week page_places_checkin_mobile_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
Number of people who checked in at the Page's Place using mobile devices. Only available if checkin functionality is enabled for the Facebook Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_places_checkin_mobile_unique_day page_places_checkin_mobile_unique_week page_places_checkin_mobile_unique_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Number of times people have given negative feedback to the Page. This includes clicks on 'Hide post', clicks on 'Hide all', unliking the Page or reporting posts as spam. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_negative_feedback_day page_negative_feedback_week page_negative_feedback_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Number of people who have given negative feedback to the Page. This includes clicks on 'Hide post', clicks on 'Hide all', unliking the Page or reporting posts as spam. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_negative_feedback_unique_day page_negative_feedback_unique_week page_negative_feedback_unique_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Number of times people have hidden one of the Page's posts or sponsored posts by clicking on 'Hide post' or 'Hide ad'. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_negative_feedback_by_type_hide_clicks_day page_negative_feedback_by_type_hide_clicks_week page_negative_feedback_by_type_hide_clicks_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Number of times people have clicked on 'Hide all' on one of the Page's posts or sponsored posts. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_negative_feedback_by_type_hide_all_clicks_day page_negative_feedback_by_type_hide_all_clicks_week page_negative_feedback_by_type_hide_all_clicks_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Number of times people have unliked the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_negative_feedback_by_type_unlike_page_clicks_day page_negative_feedback_by_type_unlike_page_clicks_week page_negative_feedback_by_type_unlike_page_clicks_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Number of times people have reported one of the Page's posts as spam. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_negative_feedback_by_type_report_spam_clicks_day page_negative_feedback_by_type_report_spam_clicks_week page_negative_feedback_by_type_report_spam_clicks_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Number of people who have hidden one of the Page's posts or sponsored posts on 'Hide post' or 'Hide ad'. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_negative_feedback_by_type_unique_hide_clicks_day page_negative_feedback_by_type_unique_hide_clicks_week page_negative_feedback_by_type_unique_hide_clicks_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Number of people who have clicked on 'Hide all' on one of the Page's posts or sponsored posts. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_negative_feedback_by_type_unique_hide_all_clicks_day page_negative_feedback_by_type_unique_hide_all_clicks_week page_negative_feedback_by_type_unique_hide_all_clicks_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Number of people who have unliked the Page. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_negative_feedback_by_type_unique_unlike_page_clicks_day page_negative_feedback_by_type_unique_unlike_page_clicks_week page_negative_feedback_by_type_unique_unlike_page_clicks_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
Number of people who have reported one of the Page's posts as spam. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_negative_feedback_by_type_unique_report_spam_clicks_day page_negative_feedback_by_type_unique_report_spam_clicks_week page_negative_feedback_by_type_unique_report_spam_clicks_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
Number of times people have liked one of the Page's stories. Please note this column is not only about the Like reaction, it actually includes the sum of all reactions (Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sorry, Anger.) Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_positive_feedback_by_type_like_day page_positive_feedback_by_type_like_week page_positive_feedback_by_type_like_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
Number of times people have commented on one of the Page's stories. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_positive_feedback_by_type_comment_day page_positive_feedback_by_type_comment_week page_positive_feedback_by_type_comment_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
Number of times people have shared one of the Page's stories. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_positive_feedback_by_type_link_day page_positive_feedback_by_type_link_week page_positive_feedback_by_type_link_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
Number of times people have responded to one of the Page's events. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_positive_feedback_by_type_rsvp_day page_positive_feedback_by_type_rsvp_week page_positive_feedback_by_type_rsvp_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
Number of times people have claimed one of the Page's offers. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_positive_feedback_by_type_claim_day page_positive_feedback_by_type_claim_week page_positive_feedback_by_type_claim_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
Number of times people have answered one of the Page's questions. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_positive_feedback_by_type_answer_day page_positive_feedback_by_type_answer_week page_positive_feedback_by_type_answer_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
Number of times people have given other types of positive feedback, such as checkins. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_positive_feedback_by_type_other_day page_positive_feedback_by_type_other_week page_positive_feedback_by_type_other_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
Number of people who have liked one of the Page's stories. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_like_day page_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_like_week page_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_like_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
Number of people who have commented on one of the Page's stories. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_comment_day page_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_comment_week page_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_comment_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
Number of people who have shared one of the Page's stories. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_link_day page_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_link_week page_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_link_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
Number of people who have responded to one of the Page's events. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_rsvp_day page_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_rsvp_week page_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_rsvp_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
Number of people who have claimed one of the Page's offers. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_claim_day page_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_claim_week page_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_claim_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
Number of people who have answered one of the Page's questions. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_answer_day page_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_answer_week page_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_answer_days_28 |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
Number of people who have given other types of positive feedback, such as checkins. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_other_day page_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_other_week page_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_other_days_28 |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who liked the Page and who were online. This column only supports daily intervals and won't work if you select any other interval. |
page |
INTEGER | Number of post 'like' and 'care' reactions of the Page including reactions via shares. |
page |
INTEGER | Number of post 'love' reactions of the Page including reactions via shares. |
page |
INTEGER | Number of post 'wow' reactions of the Page including reactions via shares. |
page |
INTEGER | Number of post 'haha' reactions of the Page including reactions via shares. |
page |
INTEGER | Number of post 'sorry' reactions of the Page including reactions via shares. |
page |
INTEGER | Number of post 'anger' reactions of the Page including reactions via shares. |
page |
INTEGER | Total number of clicks on the Page's contact info and call-to-action button. |
page |
INTEGER | Number of Page Likes for this Facebook Page at the end of the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month). A Page must have at least 30 or more fans for this data to be returned. |
page |
INTEGER | Number of Page Likes for this Facebook Page at the beginning of the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month). A Page must have at least 30 or more fans for this data to be returned. |
page |
INTEGER | Change of the total number of Page Likes for this Facebook Page. |
page |
INTEGER | Number of times people have liked the Page. This column only supports daily intervals and won't work if you select any other interval. |
page |
INTEGER | Number of new people who have liked the Page. This column only supports daily intervals and won't work if you select any other interval. |
page |
INTEGER | Number of new people who have liked the Page. This column only supports daily intervals and won't work if you select any other interval. |
page |
INTEGER | Number of new people who have liked the Page from an ad or sponsored post. This column only supports daily intervals and won't work if you select any other interval. |
page |
INTEGER | Number of new people who have liked the Page excluding likes from a not sponsored post. This column only supports daily intervals and won't work if you select any other interval. |
page |
INTEGER | Number of times people have unliked the Page. This column only supports daily intervals and won't work if you select any other interval. |
page |
INTEGER | Number of people who have unliked the Page. This column only supports daily intervals and won't work if you select any other interval. |
page |
INTEGER | Total number of people who have followed the Page. Based on our own research, this number provided via Facebook's Graph API should be considered an estimate and is usually slightly different than the follower count for this Page shown on Facebook itself. |
page |
INTEGER | Total number of people who have followed the Page. Based on our own research, this number provided via Facebook's Graph API should be considered an estimate and is usually slightly different than the follower count for this Page shown on Facebook itself. |
page |
INTEGER | Change of total number of people who have followed the Page. Based on our own research, this number provided via Facebook's Graph API should be considered an estimate and is usually slightly different than the follower count for this Page shown on Facebook itself. |
page |
INTEGER | The number of new people who have followed your Page (Total Count). |
page |
INTEGER | The number of new people who have unfollowed your Page (Total Count). |
page |
The number of new people who have followed your Page (Unique Users). Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_daily_follows_unique_day page_daily_follows_unique_week page_daily_follows_unique_days_28 |
page |
The number of new people who have unfollowed your Page (Unique Users). Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_daily_unfollows_unique_day page_daily_unfollows_unique_week page_daily_unfollows_unique_days_28 |
page |
INTEGER | The number of times a Page's profile has been viewed by logged in and logged out people. |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of people logged in to Facebook who have viewed the Page profile. |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of times a Page's profile has been viewed by people logged in to Facebook. |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of times a Page's profile has been viewed by people not logged in to Facebook. |
page |
The number of times the Page's posts entered a person's screen. Posts include statuses, photos, links, videos and more. Refreshes several times during the day. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_posts_impressions_day page_posts_impressions_week page_posts_impressions_days_28 |
page |
The number of times the Page's posts entered a person's screen through paid distribution such as an ad. Refreshes several times during the day. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_posts_impressions_paid_day page_posts_impressions_paid_week page_posts_impressions_paid_days_28 |
page |
The number of times the Page's posts entered a person's screen with social information attached. Social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows the Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of the Page and checks into the Page. Refreshes several times during the day. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_posts_impressions_viral_day page_posts_impressions_viral_week page_posts_impressions_viral_days_28 |
page |
The number of people who had any of the Page's posts enter their screen with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows the Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of the Page and checks into the Page. Refreshes several times during the day. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_posts_impressions_viral_unique_day page_posts_impressions_viral_unique_week page_posts_impressions_viral_unique_days_28 |
page |
Number of people who were served the Page's organic posts in their News Feed, whether it entered their screen or not. This column is only provided by Facebook for comparison reasons and contains data from 2018, January 25th onwards. Read this article for details. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_posts_served_impressions_organic_unique_day page_posts_served_impressions_organic_unique_week page_posts_served_impressions_organic_unique_days_28 |
page |
Number of times the Page's videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds. Based on our analysis Reels data are not included. (Status: November 21, 2024) Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_video_views_day page_video_views_week page_video_views_days_28 |
page |
The number of times the Page's videos were watched for an aggregate of at least 10 seconds, or for nearly its total length, whichever happened first. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_video_views_10s_day page_video_views_10s_week page_video_views_10s_days_28 |
page |
Number of times the Page's videos have been viewed for more than 30 seconds. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_video_complete_views_30s_day page_video_complete_views_30s_week page_video_complete_views_30s_days_28 |
page |
Total number of times page's videos have been played for unique people for more than 3 seconds. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_video_views_unique_day page_video_views_unique_week page_video_views_unique_days_28 |
page |
The number of times the Page's videos were watched for an aggregate of at least 10 seconds, or for nearly its total length, whichever happened first, by unique users. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_video_views_10s_unique_day page_video_views_10s_unique_week page_video_views_10s_unique_days_28 |
page |
Total number of times page's videos have been played for unique people to the end, or viewed for more than 30 seconds. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_video_complete_views_30s_unique_day page_video_complete_views_30s_unique_week page_video_complete_views_30s_unique_days_28 |
page |
Total number of times page's promoted videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_video_views_paid_day page_video_views_paid_week page_video_views_paid_days_28 |
page |
The number of times the Page's videos with paid activity were watched for at least a total of 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length, whichever happened first. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_video_views_10s_paid_day page_video_views_10s_paid_week page_video_views_10s_paid_days_28 |
page |
Total number of times page's promoted videos have been viewed to the end, or for more than 30 seconds. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_video_complete_views_30s_paid_day page_video_complete_views_30s_paid_week page_video_complete_views_30s_paid_days_28 |
page |
Total number of times page's videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds by organic reach. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_video_views_organic_day page_video_views_organic_week page_video_views_organic_days_28 |
page |
The number of times the Page's videos were watched without any paid distribution for at least a total of 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length, whichever happened first. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_video_views_10s_organic_day page_video_views_10s_organic_week page_video_views_10s_organic_days_28 |
page |
Total number of times page's videos have been viewed to the end, or viewed for more than 30 seconds by organic reach. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_video_complete_views_30s_organic_day page_video_complete_views_30s_organic_week page_video_complete_views_30s_organic_days_28 |
page |
Total number of times page's autoplayed videos have been viewed for more than 3 seconds. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_video_views_autoplayed_day page_video_views_autoplayed_week page_video_views_autoplayed_days_28 |
page |
The number of times the Page's videos were started automatically and watched for at least a total of 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length, whichever happened first. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_video_views_10s_autoplayed_day page_video_views_10s_autoplayed_week page_video_views_10s_autoplayed_days_28 |
page |
Total number of times page's autoplayed videos have been viewed to the end, or viewed for more than 30 seconds. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_video_complete_views_30s_autoplayed_day page_video_complete_views_30s_autoplayed_week page_video_complete_views_30s_autoplayed_days_28 |
page |
Total number of times page's videos have been viewed after the user clicks on play for more than 3 seconds. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_video_views_click_to_play_day page_video_views_click_to_play_week page_video_views_click_to_play_days_28 |
page |
The number of times the Page's videos were started by clicking the play button and watched for at least a total of 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length, whichever happened first. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_video_views_10s_click_to_play_day page_video_views_10s_click_to_play_week page_video_views_10s_click_to_play_days_28 |
page |
Total number of times page's videos have been viewed to the end, or viewed after the user clicks on play for more than 30 seconds. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_video_complete_views_30s_click_to_play_day page_video_complete_views_30s_click_to_play_week page_video_complete_views_30s_click_to_play_days_28 |
page |
Total number of times that people replay a page's videos for more than 3 seconds. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_video_repeat_views_day page_video_repeat_views_week page_video_repeat_views_days_28 |
page |
The number of times the Page's videos were replayed for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly its total length, whichever happened first. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_video_views_10s_repeat_day page_video_views_10s_repeat_week page_video_views_10s_repeat_days_28 |
page |
Total number of times that people replay a page's videos to the end, or for more than 30 seconds. Additional interval specific columns for this metric exist: page_video_complete_views_30s_repeat_views_day page_video_complete_views_30s_repeat_views_week page_video_complete_views_30s_repeat_views_days_28 |
page |
INTEGER | The total amount of time (in milliseconds) people spent watching videos on the Page. |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
OBJECT | The number of People Talking About the Page by user age and gender. This number is an estimate. |
page (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
OBJECT | The number of people who saw any content by your Page or about your Page, grouped by age and gender. This number is an estimate. |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
OBJECT | Gender and age of people who checked in at your Place. |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
OBJECT | Number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Call Now button, broken down by age and gender group. |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
OBJECT | Number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Get Directions button, broken down by age and gender group. |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
OBJECT | Number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the goto website CTA button, broken down by age and gender group. |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
OBJECT | The number of likes of your Facebook Page by gender and age. This metric is estimated. |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
OBJECT | Number of Page Likes for this Facebook Page at the beginning of the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month). A Page must have at least 30 or more fans for this data to be returned. This metric is estimated. |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
OBJECT | Change of the total number of Page Likes for this Facebook Page by gender and age. This metric is estimated. |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
OBJECT | Share of the total number of Page Likes for this Facebook Page by gender and age. This metric is estimated. |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
OBJECT | This is a breakdown of the number of Page likes from the most common places where people can like your Page. (See possible types) |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
OBJECT | The total amount of time (in milliseconds) people spent watching videos on the Page. (See possible types) |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
OBJECT | TThe number of people who unliked your Page, broken down by the most common ways people can unlike your Page. |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
OBJECT | Top referrering external domains sending traffic to your Page. |
page (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
OBJECT | The number of people logged in to Facebook who have viewed your Page profile, broken down by gender group.. |
Holding the number of Page Likes, Reach and People Talking About This of Facebook Pages per city including their development over time.
Time-series data
This data source returns time-series data representing the development of a set of metrics over time. More specific, time-series data sources return one row per profile per time interval. Each of our data sources supports one or more of the following intervals: daily, weekly, monthly or total. E.g. a request with time period Jan 1st to Jan 10th, daily interval and two profiles selected will return 20 rows. The total interval by definition returns one row per profile holding the numbers for the single "total" interval.
Please note that for weekly and monthly intervals the start and end time of the selected time period will be expanded to cover full intervals. E.g. for monthly interval a time period from 3rd of March to 10th of April will be expanded to March 1st to April 30th to cover full months.
- Daily, weekly and monthly intervals are aggregated in PST timezone as provided by Facebook.
- The monthly interval shows 28 day values as provided by Facebook representing the last 28 days of each month.
- Demographic metrics, such as age, gender, and location, are only returned if there is data for 100 or more people.
- Facebook provides access to Insights data for the past two years. Thus initial imports will cover up to two years of data.
Column name | Type | Description |
unique |
STRING | Unique identifier for this row that can be used as a primary key. |
profile |
INTEGER | Identifier for the profile this row belongs to. It's a quintly internal ID and meta data can be fetched by joining the "profiles" table which is ready to be used with all QQL queries. |
time | DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month). |
interval |
DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the beginning of the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month) in user timezone. |
interval |
DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the end of the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month) in user timezone. |
import |
DATETIME | The last time quintly fetched a fresh snapshot for this profile and interval using the APIs of the social networks and there was a modification compared to its former state. |
city |
STRING | Name of the city. |
city |
DECIMAL | Latitude of the city. |
city |
DECIMAL | Longitude of the city. |
city |
STRING | Code of the country this city belongs to, following ISO 3166 standard. |
city |
STRING | The full name of the country this city belongs to, e.g. Germany. |
fans | INTEGER | Number of Page Likes for this Facebook Page at the end of the interval (e.g. a day, week, month). |
fans |
INTEGER | Number of Page Likes for this Facebook Page at the beginning of the interval (e.g. a day, week, month). |
fans |
INTEGER | Change of the total number of Page Likes for this Facebook Page between the beginning and the end of the interval. |
fans |
DECIMAL | The share of Page Likes for this entry in relation to all Page Likes for this Facebook Page at the end of the interval represented as a percentage (0-100 scale). |
reach (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page in the current interval. |
ptat (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of People Talking About the Page in the current interval. |
Holding the number of Page Likes, Reach and People Talking About This of Facebook Pages per country including their development over time.
Time-series data
This data source returns time-series data representing the development of a set of metrics over time. More specific, time-series data sources return one row per profile per time interval. Each of our data sources supports one or more of the following intervals: daily, weekly, monthly or total. E.g. a request with time period Jan 1st to Jan 10th, daily interval and two profiles selected will return 20 rows. The total interval by definition returns one row per profile holding the numbers for the single "total" interval.
Please note that for weekly and monthly intervals the start and end time of the selected time period will be expanded to cover full intervals. E.g. for monthly interval a time period from 3rd of March to 10th of April will be expanded to March 1st to April 30th to cover full months.
- Daily, weekly and monthly intervals are aggregated in PST timezone as provided by Facebook.
- The monthly interval shows 28 day values as provided by Facebook representing the last 28 days of each month.
- Demographic metrics, such as age, gender, and location, are only returned if there is data for 100 or more people.
- Facebook provides access to Insights data for the past two years. Thus initial imports will cover up to two years of data.
Column name | Type | Description |
unique |
STRING | Unique identifier for this row that can be used as a primary key. |
profile |
INTEGER | Identifier for the profile this row belongs to. It's a quintly internal ID and meta data can be fetched by joining the "profiles" table which is ready to be used with all QQL queries. |
time | DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month). |
interval |
DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the beginning of the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month) in user timezone. |
interval |
DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the end of the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month) in user timezone. |
import |
DATETIME | The last time quintly fetched a fresh snapshot for this profile and interval using the APIs of the social networks and there was a modification compared to its former state. |
country |
STRING | The code of the country following ISO 3166 standard. |
country |
STRING | The full name of the country, e.g. Germany. |
fans | INTEGER | Number of Page Likes for this Facebook Page at the end of the interval (e.g. a day, week, month). |
fans |
INTEGER | Number of Page Likes for this Facebook Page at the beginning of the interval (e.g. a day, week, month). |
fans |
INTEGER | Change of the total number of Page Likes for this Facebook Page between the beginning and the end of the interval. |
fans |
DECIMAL | The share of Page Likes for this entry in relation to all Page Likes for this Facebook Page at the end of the interval represented as a percentage (0-100 scale). |
reach (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page in the current interval. |
ptat (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of People Talking About the Page in the current interval. |
Holding the number of Page Likes, Reach and People Talking About This of Facebook Pages per gender and age bucket including their development over time.
Time-series data
This data source returns time-series data representing the development of a set of metrics over time. More specific, time-series data sources return one row per profile per time interval. Each of our data sources supports one or more of the following intervals: daily, weekly, monthly or total. E.g. a request with time period Jan 1st to Jan 10th, daily interval and two profiles selected will return 20 rows. The total interval by definition returns one row per profile holding the numbers for the single "total" interval.
Please note that for weekly and monthly intervals the start and end time of the selected time period will be expanded to cover full intervals. E.g. for monthly interval a time period from 3rd of March to 10th of April will be expanded to March 1st to April 30th to cover full months.
- Daily, weekly and monthly intervals are aggregated in PST timezone as provided by Facebook.
- The monthly interval shows 28 day values as provided by Facebook representing the last 28 days of each month.
- Demographic metrics, such as age, gender, and location, are only returned if there is data for 100 or more people.
- Facebook provides access to Insights data for the past two years. Thus initial imports will cover up to two years of data.
Column name | Type | Description |
unique |
STRING | Unique identifier for this row that can be used as a primary key. |
profile |
INTEGER | Identifier for the profile this row belongs to. It's a quintly internal ID and meta data can be fetched by joining the "profiles" table which is ready to be used with all QQL queries. |
time | DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month). |
interval |
DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the beginning of the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month) in user timezone. |
interval |
DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the end of the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month) in user timezone. |
import |
DATETIME | The last time quintly fetched a fresh snapshot for this profile and interval using the APIs of the social networks and there was a modification compared to its former state. |
gender | ENUM | Either "Male", "Female" or "Unknown". |
age |
ENUM | The age range in years. Typically the following ranges are shown: "13-17", "18-24", "25-34", "35-44", "45-54", "55-64" and "65+". |
fans (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of Page Likes for this Facebook Page at the end of the interval (e.g. a day, week, month). |
fans (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of Page Likes for this Facebook Page at the beginning of the interval (e.g. a day, week, month). |
fans (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
INTEGER | Change of the total number of Page Likes for this Facebook Page between the beginning and the end of the interval. |
fans (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
DECIMAL | The share of Page Likes for this entry in relation to all Page Likes for this Facebook Page at the end of the interval represented as a percentage (0-100 scale). |
reach (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page in the current interval. |
ptat (Deprecates March 18, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of People Talking About the Page in the current interval. |
Holding private conversations of Facebook Pages. A conversation includes private messages between the Facebook Page and a specific Facebook user. Please note that there can be multiple conversations per user as Facebook splits into separate conversations if there is a new incoming request by a user after a long time. Messages within a conversation are kept separately within the facebookInsightsConversationMessages data source.
- Facebook provides access to Insights data for the past two years. Thus initial imports will cover up to two years of data.
Column name | Type | Description |
unique |
STRING | Unique identifier for this row that can be used as a primary key. |
profile |
INTEGER | Identifier for the profile this row belongs to. It's a quintly internal ID and meta data can be fetched by joining the "profiles" table which is ready to be used with all QQL queries. |
time | DATETIME | The time this conversation started. |
updated |
DATETIME | The time this conversation on Facebook was updated the last time. |
import |
DATETIME | The last time quintly fetched a fresh snapshot of this posting using the APIs of the social networks and there was a modification compared to its former state. |
conversation |
STRING | The ID of the conversation provided by Facebook concatenated with a running number per conversation with a user, e.g. <Facebook's conversation id>_1 for the first conversation with this user. |
folder | STRING | The folder the conversation is located. |
link | LINK | The link to this conversation on Facebook. |
user |
STRING | The name of the author. |
user |
STRING | The ID of the author provided by Facebook. |
message |
INTEGER | The number of messages within the conversation, including both messages from the user and the Facebook Page. |
page |
INTEGER | The number of messages by the Facebook Page within the conversation. |
user |
INTEGER | The number of messages by the user within the conversation. |
response |
DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information when the first reply by the Facebook Page was sent. If the Page started the conversation by privately replying to a user's comment on one of the Page's posts this would show "null" as we don't get the created time of the comment. |
second |
DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information when the second reply by the Facebook Page was sent. If the Page started the conversation by privately replying to a user's comment on one of the Page's posts this would show "null" as we don't get the created time of the comment. |
time |
INTEGER | The time from the creation of the initial user message until the first reply of the Facebook Page in seconds. If the Page started the conversation by privately replying to a user's comment on one of the Page's posts this would show "null" as we don't get the created time of the comment. |
second |
INTEGER | The time from the creation of the initial user message until the second reply of the Facebook Page in seconds. If the Page started the conversation by privately replying to a user's comment on one of the Page's posts this would show "null" as we don't get the created time of the comment. |
initial |
STRING | The contents of the initial message by the user. If the Page privately replied to a comment on one of it's posts it will show the text of the comment. |
first |
STRING | The contents of the first reply by the Facebook Page. |
second |
STRING | The contents of the second reply by the Facebook Page. |
was |
BOOLEAN | If conversation was started by the Page, privately replying to a user's comment on one of the Page's posts. Holds "1" if conversation was initiated by private reply to comment, "" if not. |
unread |
INTEGER | Number of unread message in the conversations. |
participants | OBJECT | People and Pages who are on this conversation. Provided as a list of objects, e.g. [{"id" => STRING, "name" => STRING}, ...]. |
Holding private messages of Facebook Pages. Messages are filtered by the time the related conversation started.
- Facebook provides access to Insights data for the past two years. Thus initial imports will cover up to two years of data.
Column name | Type | Description |
unique |
STRING | Unique identifier for this row that can be used as a primary key. |
profile |
INTEGER | Identifier for the profile this row belongs to. It's a quintly internal ID and meta data can be fetched by joining the "profiles" table which is ready to be used with all QQL queries. |
time | DATETIME | The time this message was created. |
conversation |
DATETIME | The time the conversation this message belongs to started. |
import |
DATETIME | The last time quintly fetched a fresh snapshot of this posting using the APIs of the social networks and there was a modification compared to its former state. |
id | STRING | The ID of this message. |
conversation |
STRING | The ID of the conversation this message belongs to. This can be used to join with the facebookInsightsConversations data source. |
message | STRING | The content of this message. |
sender | OBJECT | The user or Facebook Page who created this message. Provided as an object, e.g. {"id" => STRING, "name" => STRING}. |
recipient | OBJECT | The user or Facebook Page who received this message. Provided as an object, e.g. {"id" => STRING, "name" => STRING}. |
Holding information about published posts of Facebook Pages.
- Facebook provides access to Insights data for the past two years. Thus initial imports will cover up to two years of data.
- Facebook updates most metrics once every 24 hours. Columns referencing to metrics refreshing several times a day hold a hint in their column description. Make use of column importTime to know exactly when a post has been last modified.
- Facebook does not provide any insights data for Reel posts shared on the news feed.
Column name | Type | Description |
unique |
STRING | Unique identifier for this row that can be used as a primary key. |
profile |
INTEGER | Identifier for the profile this row belongs to. It's a quintly internal ID and meta data can be fetched by joining the "profiles" table which is ready to be used with all QQL queries. |
time | DATETIME | The time this posting was published. |
import |
DATETIME | The last time quintly fetched a fresh snapshot of this posting using the APIs of the social networks and there was a modification compared to its former state. |
is |
BOOLEAN | This shows if the post is published. |
is |
BOOLEAN | This shows if the post is hidden. |
type | ENUM | The type of the post. |
link | LINK | The link to the post. |
message | STRING | The contents of the post message. |
post |
OBJECT | The tags that were assigned to this post via the post tagging feature. Provided as a list of objects, e.g. [{"id": 1, "name": "My first tag"}, ...]. |
mentions | OBJECT | The tagged users or Facebook Pages within the post's message. Provided as a list of objects, e.g. [{"id": "128340270541979", "name": "quintly", "type": "Page", "offset": 10, "length": 7}, ...]. |
hashtags | OBJECT | The hashtags used within the post's message. Provided as a list of strings, e.g. ["#hashtag1", "#hashtag2"]. |
story | STRING | Text of the accompanying story shown on Facebook. E.g., "BMW posted a video to playlist BMW TODAY." |
is |
BOOLEAN | Describes if the post is an co-author post. |
is |
BOOLEAN | Indicates if post is owned by the page. An example for a non-owned post is a co-authored post. |
external |
STRING | The unique id of the post. |
internal |
STRING | The quintly internal ID of this post. |
object |
STRING | The unique id of the object in the post. The ID of any uploaded photo or video attached to the post. |
parent |
STRING | The unique id of a parent post of the post, if it exists. For example, if this is a shared post, this field will be the unique id of the original post that was shared. |
app |
STRING | The id of the third party app which was used to publish the post. Returns NULL if the post wasn't published via a third party app. |
app |
STRING | The name of the third party app which was used to publish the post. Returns NULL if the post wasn't published via a third party app. |
likes | INTEGER | Number of "Like" and "Care" reactions the post got. This does not include reactions on shares. |
love | INTEGER | Number of "Love" reactions the post got. This does not include reactions on shares. |
wow | INTEGER | Number of "Wow" reactions the post got. This does not include reactions on shares. |
haha | INTEGER | Number of "Haha" reactions the post got. This does not include reactions on shares. |
sad | INTEGER | Number of "Sorry" reactions the post got. This does not include reactions on shares. |
angry | INTEGER | Number of "Angry" reactions the post got. This does not include reactions on shares. |
thankful | INTEGER | Number of "Thankful" reactions the post got. This does not include reactions on shares. |
comments | INTEGER | Number of comments the post got. This does not include comments on shares. |
shares | INTEGER | Number of shares the post got. This does not include shares of shares. |
fans | INTEGER | Number of fans the page had on the day the post was published. |
followers | INTEGER | Number of followers the page had on the day the post was published. |
admin |
STRING | The name of the Facebook user or application who created the post for the page. If the page has only one admin, no data will be returned. |
admin |
INTEGER | The user id of the Facebook user or application who created the post for the page. If the page has only one admin, no data will be returned. |
attachment |
STRING | The name of the post's attachment. |
attachment |
STRING | The description of the link in this post (appears beneath the attachment's caption). |
attachment |
STRING | The caption of the link in this post. If this is a shared post the value will be null. |
attachment |
LINK | The URL of the post's attachment. |
attachment |
LINK | The URL to the attachment preview picture. |
privacy | STRING | Holds information about the targeting of the post. If the post is not targeted it will show "Public". |
is |
BOOLEAN | If the posted video was live or not. |
is |
BOOLEAN | If the posted audio was live or not. |
is |
BOOLEAN | If the post is a shared post or not. |
is |
BOOLEAN | If the post contains a 360 degree photo/video or not. If the post is a shared 360 degree photo/video, Facebook can not detect whether the original post contains 360 degree content. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of "Like" and "Care" reactions the post got. This also includes reactions on shares. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of "Love" reactions the post got. This also includes reactions on shares. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of "Wow" reactions the post got. This also includes reactions on shares. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of "Haha" reactions the post got. This also includes reactions on shares. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of "Sorry" reactions the post got. This also includes reactions on shares. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of "Anger" reactions the post got. This also includes reactions on shares. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who have liked the Page and clicked anywhere in the post. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this post entered a person's screen. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who had this post enter their screen. This is also known as reach. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this post entered a person's screen through unpaid distribution. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who saw the Page post in news feed or ticker, or on the Page's timeline. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this post entered a person's screen through paid distribution such as an ad. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who had this post enter their screen through paid distribution such as an ad. This is also known as paid reach. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of impressions for this post by people who have liked your Page. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who like your Page and who saw this post. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates March 20, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of impressions for this post by people who like your Page in an Ad or Sponsored Story. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates March 20, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who like your Page and saw this post in an Ad or Sponsored Story. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this post entered a person's screen with social information attached. Social information displays when a person's friend interacted with your Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who had this post enter their screen with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this post entered a person's screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. Social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who had this post enter their screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times people clicked on anywhere in this post without generating a story. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who clicked anywhere in your post without generating a story. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of clicks on links in the post. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of clicks on photo attachments in the post which led to an expanded view of the photo. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of clicks on video attachments in the post which started the video. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of other clicks on the post which doesn't include link clicks, photo views or video plays. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who clicked on links in the post. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who clicked on photo attachments in the post which led to an expanded view of the photo. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who clicked on video attachments in the post which started the video. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who clicked on the post which doesn't include link clicks, photo views or video plays. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of unique people who engaged in certain ways with the Page post, for example by commenting on, liking, sharing, or clicking upon particular elements of the post. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of times people have given negative feedback to the post. This includes clicks on 'Hide post' or reporting the post as spam. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who have given negative feedback to the post. This includes clicks on 'Hide post' or reporting the post as spam. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of times people have given negative feedback to the post by clicking on 'Hide post'. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of times people have given negative feedback to the post by clicking on 'Hide All'. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of times people have given negative feedback to the post by unliking the page. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of times people have given negative feedback to the post by reporting the post as spam. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who have given negative feedback to the post by clicking on 'Hide post'. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who have given negative feedback to the post by clicking on 'Hide All'. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who have given negative feedback to the post by unliking the page. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who have given negative feedback to the post by reporting the post as spam. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates March 20, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of post stories generated about this post. Post stories are created when a user engages with a post. For example a post story "User commented..." is created when a user comments a post. Facebook does not provide an exact definition of what engagement types create post stories, which is why we recommend using more specific engagement metrics instead, e.g. post_activity_by_action_type_like. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates March 20, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who created post stories about this post. Post stories are created when a user engages with a post. For example a post story "User commented..." is created when a user comments a post. Facebook does not provide an exact definition of what engagement types create post stories, which is why we recommend using more specific engagement metrics instead, e.g. post_activity_by_action_type_unique_like. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of reactions the post got (Like, Love, Wow, Haha, Sorry and Angry). This also includes reactions on shares. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of comments the post got. This also includes comments on shares. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of shares the post got. This also includes shares on shares. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who reacted to this post (Like, Love, Wow, Haha, Sorry and Angry). This also includes reactions on shares. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who commented this post. This also includes comments on shares. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who shared this post. This also includes shares on shares. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | The average time, in milliseconds, people viewed this video. Only available for videos created after August 25th 2016. Returns 0 for reshared videos. |
post |
INTEGER | The total time, in milliseconds, this video played, including videos played for less than 3 seconds and replays. Returns 0 for reshared videos. |
post |
INTEGER | The total time, in milliseconds, this video played by organic reach. Returns 0 for reshared videos. |
post |
INTEGER | Length of a video post (in milliseconds). |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video was viewed for more than 3 seconds. This includes live views. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who viewed this video for more than 3 seconds. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video was viewed for more than 3 seconds without any paid promotion. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who viewed this video for more than 3 seconds without any paid promotion. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video was viewed for more than 3 seconds after paid promotion. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who viewed this video for more than 3 seconds after paid promotion. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times people clicked to play this video and viewed it more than 3 seconds. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video started automatically playing and people viewed it for more than 3 seconds. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video sound was turned on and was viewed for 3 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video was viewed for 10 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who viewed this video for 10 seconds or to the end, whichever came first. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video was viewed for 10 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first, after a paid promotion. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video was viewed for 10 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first, without a paid promotion. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times people clicked to play this video and viewed it for 10 seconds or to the end, whichever came first. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video started automatically playing and people viewed it for 10 seconds or to the end, whichever came first. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video sound was turned on and was viewed for 10 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video was viewed for 15 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video was viewed for at least 60 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. This metric is counted only for videos that are 60 seconds or longer. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video was viewed for more than 3 seconds in the original post. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video was viewed for more than 3 seconds in a shared post. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video was viewed for 30 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who viewed this video for 30 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this promoted video played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 30 seconds. For each impression of a video, we'll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 30 seconds, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 30 seconds, after people clicked play. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video automatically played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 30 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video played from the beginning to 95%, or more, of its length, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who viewed this video from the beginning to 95%, or more, of its length, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this promoted video played from the beginning to 95%, or more, of its length. For each impression of a video, we'll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who viewed this promoted video from the beginning to 95%, or more, of its length. For each impression of a video, we'll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video. |
post |
DECIMAL | An estimate of the amount you earned from ad breaks in your videos, in U.S. cents, based on the number of impressions and CPM of ads shown. Actual payments may differ if there are content ownership claims or other adjustments. |
post |
INTEGER | The total number of times an ad was shown during ad breaks in your videos. |
post |
DECIMAL | The average amount paid by advertisers for 1,000 impressions of their ads in your video, in U.S. cents. This number also includes the amount paid to Facebook. |
post |
INTEGER | Total time spent an audio was listened. For non-audio post the value will be null. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times an audio was listened for more than 3 seconds with sound on. For non-audio post the value will be null. |
Holding information about expired video posts of Facebook Pages.
- Facebook provides access to Insights data for the past two years. Thus initial imports will cover up to two years of data.
- Facebook updates most metrics once every 24 hours. Columns referencing to metrics refreshing several times a day hold a hint in their column description. Make use of column importTime to know exactly when a post has been last modified.
- Facebook does not provide any insights data for Reel posts shared on the news feed.
Column name | Type | Description |
unique |
STRING | Unique identifier for this row that can be used as a primary key. |
profile |
INTEGER | Identifier for the profile this row belongs to. It's a quintly internal ID and meta data can be fetched by joining the "profiles" table which is ready to be used with all QQL queries. |
time | DATETIME | The time this posting was published. |
import |
DATETIME | The last time quintly fetched a fresh snapshot of this posting using the APIs of the social networks and there was a modification compared to its former state. |
expire |
DATETIME | The time this posting has expired. |
object |
STRING | The ID of any uploaded photo or video attached to the post. |
type | ENUM | The type of the post. |
link | LINK | The link to the post. |
message | STRING | The contents of the post message. |
post |
OBJECT | The tags that were assigned to this post via the post tagging feature. Provided as a list of objects, e.g. [{"id": 1, "name": "My first tag"}, ...]. |
mentions | OBJECT | The tagged users or Facebook Pages within the post's message. Provided as a list of objects, e.g. [{"id": "128340270541979", "name": "quintly", "type": "Page", "offset": 10, "length": 7}, ...]. |
hashtags | OBJECT | The hashtags used within the post's message. Provided as a list of strings, e.g. ["#hashtag1", "#hashtag2"]. |
story | STRING | Text of the accompanying story shown on Facebook. E.g., "BMW posted a video to playlist BMW TODAY." |
is |
BOOLEAN | Describes if the post is an co-author post. |
is |
BOOLEAN | Indicates if post is owned by the page. An example for a non-owned post is a co-authored post. |
external |
STRING | The unique id of the post. |
internal |
STRING | The quintly internal ID of this post. |
app |
STRING | The id of the third party app which was used to publish the post. Returns NULL if the post wasn't published via a third party app. |
app |
STRING | The name of the third party app which was used to publish the post. Returns NULL if the post wasn't published via a third party app. |
likes | INTEGER | Number of "Like" and "Care" reactions the post got. This does not include reactions on shares. |
love | INTEGER | Number of "Love" reactions the post got. This does not include reactions on shares. |
wow | INTEGER | Number of "Wow" reactions the post got. This does not include reactions on shares. |
haha | INTEGER | Number of "Haha" reactions the post got. This does not include reactions on shares. |
sad | INTEGER | Number of "Sorry" reactions the post got. This does not include reactions on shares. |
angry | INTEGER | Number of "Angry" reactions the post got. This does not include reactions on shares. |
thankful | INTEGER | Number of "Thankful" reactions the post got. This does not include reactions on shares. |
comments | INTEGER | Number of comments the post got. This does not include comments on shares. |
shares | INTEGER | Number of shares the post got. This does not include shares of shares. |
fans | INTEGER | Number of fans the page had on the day the post was published. |
followers | INTEGER | Number of followers the page had on the day the post was published. |
admin |
STRING | The name of the Facebook user or application who created the post for the page. If the page has only one admin, no data will be returned. |
admin |
INTEGER | The user id of the Facebook user or application who created the post for the page. If the page has only one admin, no data will be returned. |
attachment |
STRING | The name of the post's attachment. |
attachment |
STRING | The description of the link in this post (appears beneath the attachment's caption). |
attachment |
STRING | The caption of the link in this post. If this is a shared post the value will be null. |
attachment |
LINK | The URL of the post's attachment. |
attachment |
LINK | The URL to the attachment preview picture. |
privacy | STRING | Holds information about the targeting of the post. If the post is not targeted it will show "Public". |
is |
BOOLEAN | If the posted video was live or not. |
is |
BOOLEAN | If the posted audio was live or not. |
is |
BOOLEAN | If the post is a shared post or not. |
is |
BOOLEAN | If the post contains a 360 degree photo/video or not. If the post is a shared 360 degree photo/video, Facebook can not detect whether the original post contains 360 degree content. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of "Like" and "Care" reactions the post got. This also includes reactions on shares. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of "Love" reactions the post got. This also includes reactions on shares. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of "Wow" reactions the post got. This also includes reactions on shares. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of "Haha" reactions the post got. This also includes reactions on shares. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of "Sorry" reactions the post got. This also includes reactions on shares. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of "Anger" reactions the post got. This also includes reactions on shares. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who have liked the Page and clicked anywhere in the post. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this post entered a person's screen. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who had this post enter their screen. This is also known as reach. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this post entered a person's screen through unpaid distribution. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who saw the Page post in news feed or ticker, or on the Page's timeline. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this post entered a person's screen through paid distribution such as an ad. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who had this post enter their screen through paid distribution such as an ad. This is also known as paid reach. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of impressions for this post by people who have liked your Page. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who like your Page and who saw this post. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates March 20, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of impressions for this post by people who like your Page in an Ad or Sponsored Story. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates March 20, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who like your Page and saw this post in an Ad or Sponsored Story. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this post entered a person's screen with social information attached. Social information displays when a person's friend interacted with your Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who had this post enter their screen with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this post entered a person's screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. Social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who had this post enter their screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person's friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone's friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times people clicked on anywhere in this post without generating a story. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who clicked anywhere in your post without generating a story. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of clicks on links in the post. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of clicks on photo attachments in the post which led to an expanded view of the photo. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of clicks on video attachments in the post which started the video. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of other clicks on the post which doesn't include link clicks, photo views or video plays. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who clicked on links in the post. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who clicked on photo attachments in the post which led to an expanded view of the photo. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who clicked on video attachments in the post which started the video. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who clicked on the post which doesn't include link clicks, photo views or video plays. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of unique people who engaged in certain ways with the Page post, for example by commenting on, liking, sharing, or clicking upon particular elements of the post. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of times people have given negative feedback to the post. This includes clicks on 'Hide post' or reporting the post as spam. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who have given negative feedback to the post. This includes clicks on 'Hide post' or reporting the post as spam. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of times people have given negative feedback to the post by clicking on 'Hide post'. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of times people have given negative feedback to the post by clicking on 'Hide All'. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of times people have given negative feedback to the post by unliking the page. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of times people have given negative feedback to the post by reporting the post as spam. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who have given negative feedback to the post by clicking on 'Hide post'. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who have given negative feedback to the post by clicking on 'Hide All'. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who have given negative feedback to the post by unliking the page. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who have given negative feedback to the post by reporting the post as spam. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates March 20, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of post stories generated about this post. Post stories are created when a user engages with a post. For example a post story "User commented..." is created when a user comments a post. Facebook does not provide an exact definition of what engagement types create post stories, which is why we recommend using more specific engagement metrics instead, e.g. post_activity_by_action_type_like. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post (Deprecates March 20, 2024) |
INTEGER | Number of people who created post stories about this post. Post stories are created when a user engages with a post. For example a post story "User commented..." is created when a user comments a post. Facebook does not provide an exact definition of what engagement types create post stories, which is why we recommend using more specific engagement metrics instead, e.g. post_activity_by_action_type_unique_like. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of reactions the post got (Like, Love, Wow, Haha, Sorry and Angry). This also includes reactions on shares. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of comments the post got. This also includes comments on shares. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of shares the post got. This also includes shares on shares. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who reacted to this post (Like, Love, Wow, Haha, Sorry and Angry). This also includes reactions on shares. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who commented this post. This also includes comments on shares. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who shared this post. This also includes shares on shares. Refreshes several times during the day. |
post |
INTEGER | The average time, in milliseconds, people viewed this video. Only available for videos created after August 25th 2016. Returns 0 for reshared videos. |
post |
INTEGER | The total time, in milliseconds, this video played, including videos played for less than 3 seconds and replays. Returns 0 for reshared videos. |
post |
INTEGER | The total time, in milliseconds, this video played by organic reach. Returns 0 for reshared videos. |
post |
INTEGER | Length of a video post (in milliseconds). |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video was viewed for more than 3 seconds. This includes live views. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who viewed this video for more than 3 seconds. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video was viewed for more than 3 seconds without any paid promotion. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who viewed this video for more than 3 seconds without any paid promotion. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video was viewed for more than 3 seconds after paid promotion. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who viewed this video for more than 3 seconds after paid promotion. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times people clicked to play this video and viewed it more than 3 seconds. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video started automatically playing and people viewed it for more than 3 seconds. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video sound was turned on and was viewed for 3 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video was viewed for 10 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who viewed this video for 10 seconds or to the end, whichever came first. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video was viewed for 10 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first, after a paid promotion. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video was viewed for 10 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first, without a paid promotion. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times people clicked to play this video and viewed it for 10 seconds or to the end, whichever came first. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video started automatically playing and people viewed it for 10 seconds or to the end, whichever came first. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video sound was turned on and was viewed for 10 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video was viewed for more than 3 seconds in the original post. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video was viewed for more than 3 seconds in a shared post. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video was viewed for 30 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who viewed this video for 30 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this promoted video played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 30 seconds. For each impression of a video, we'll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 30 seconds, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 30 seconds, after people clicked play. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video automatically played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 30 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this video played from the beginning to 95%, or more, of its length, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who viewed this video from the beginning to 95%, or more, of its length, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this promoted video played from the beginning to 95%, or more, of its length. For each impression of a video, we'll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who viewed this promoted video from the beginning to 95%, or more, of its length. For each impression of a video, we'll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video. |
Holding information about authors of posts.
Column name | Type | Description |
unique |
STRING | Unique identifier for this row that can be used as a primary key. |
id | STRING | The external id of the Facebook Business User, User or Application who created posts for the selected Pages. Only includes authors of Pages with more than one admin. |
name | STRING | The name of the Facebook Business User, User or Application who created posts for the selected Pages. Only includes authors of Pages with more than one admin. |
posts | OBJECT | The posts created by this author in the selected time period. Provided as a list of objects, e.g. [{"profileId": 92, "postId": "128340270541979_3180363705339605"}, ...]. |
Holding information about videos of Facebook Pages. This is similar to data source facebookInsightsOwnPosts, but showing video posts only while offering more specific video metrics.
- This data source returns video posts, multiple posts potentially using the same video. Be aware that while there is one entry per post, video metrics belong to the video, not the post. Thus multiple posts using the same video will show the exact same numbers.
- Facebook Reels are not included. Use data source facebookInsightsReels to access Facebook Reels.
- Facebook provides access to Insights data for the past two years. Thus initial imports will cover up to two years of data.
Column name | Type | Description |
unique |
STRING | Unique identifier for this row that can be used as a primary key. |
profile |
INTEGER | Identifier for the profile this row belongs to. It's a quintly internal ID and meta data can be fetched by joining the "profiles" table which is ready to be used with all QQL queries. |
time | DATETIME | The time this video was created. |
import |
DATETIME | The last time quintly fetched a fresh snapshot of this posting using the APIs of the social networks and there was a modification compared to its former state. |
expire |
DATETIME | The time this posting has expired. |
external |
STRING | The unique id of the video. |
internal |
STRING | The quintly internal ID of this post. |
link | LINK | The link to the video. |
title | STRING | The video title or caption. |
description | STRING | The description of the video. |
post |
OBJECT | The tags that were assigned to this post via the post tagging feature. Provided as a list of objects, e.g. [{"id": 1, "name": "My first tag"}, ...]. |
is |
BOOLEAN | If a post about the video is published. Holds "1" if a post is published, "" if not. |
live |
STRING | The live status of the video. Could e.g. be "VOD" if the video is a live video or "SCHEDULED_UNPUBLISHED" if the live video is sheduled but not published yet. If the video is no live video it holds "". |
content |
STRING | The content category of the video. |
length | DECIMAL | The duration of this video in seconds. |
height | INTEGER | The height of this video in pixel. |
width | INTEGER | The width of this video in pixel. |
privacy | STRING | Holds information about the targeting of the post. If the post is not targeted it will show "public". |
fans | INTEGER | Number of fans the page had on the day the post was published. |
comments | INTEGER | Number of comments on the video. This doesn't include comments on shares. |
is |
BOOLEAN | If the posted video is expired |
is |
BOOLEAN | If the posted video is crossposted |
source | LINK | The link to the raw video file. The source field will not be returned for videos unless the user making the request is an admin of the owning Page. Be aware that the link to the source of this video changes over time by design and thus might not work if the video was not updated recently. Please use the importTime column to know when the snapshot of this video post was last updated. |
picture | LINK | The URL to the attachment preview picture. Holds "null" if no attachment preview picture is available. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times the video was viewed for 3 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of unique people who viewed the video for 3 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times the video started automatically playing and people viewed it for 3 seconds or viewed it to the end, whichever came first. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times people clicked to play the video and viewed it for 3 seconds or viewed it to the end, whichever came first. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times the video was viewed for 3 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first, without any paid promotion. |
total |
INTEGER | Number unique viewers who viewed for 3 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first, without any paid promotion. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times the video was viewed for 3 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first, after paid promotion. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of unique viewers who viewed for 3 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first, after paid promotion. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times the video sound was turned on and was viewed for 3 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times the video was viewed in a shared post. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times the video was viewed in a post that was page owned. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times the video was viewed in a crossposted post. |
total |
INTEGER | Total time (in milliseconds) video has been viewed in a shared post. |
total |
INTEGER | Total time (in milliseconds) video has been viewed in a post that was page owned. |
total |
INTEGER | Total time (in milliseconds) video has been viewed in a crossposted post. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times the video was watched at 95% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of unique people who watched the video at 95% of its length or more, including people that skipped to this point. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times the video started automatically playing and people watched it at 95% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times people clicked to play the video and watched it at 95% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times the video was watched at 95% of its length without any paid promotion, including watches that skipped to this point. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of unique people who watched the video at 95% of its length without any paid promotion, including people that skipped to this point. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times the video was watched at 95% of its length after paid promotion, including watches that skipped to this point. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of unique people who watched the video at 95% of its length after paid promotion, including people that skipped to this point. |
total |
INTEGER | Total times video has been viewed greater than 60-second grouped by they were monetizable. |
total |
INTEGER | Total times video has been viewed greater than 60-second grouped by they were not monetizable. |
total |
INTEGER | Total number of times your video was viewed for 60 seconds only if the video is 60 seconds or longer. |
total (Deprecates July 28, 2023) |
INTEGER | Total number of times your video was viewed for 15 minutes only if the video is 15 minutes or longer. |
total (Deprecates July 28, 2023) |
INTEGER | Number of unique people who viewed your video for 15 minutes only if the video is 15 minutes or longer. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times the video was viewed for 30 seconds or 97% of the video if video is less than 30 seconds. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of unique people who viewed the video for 30 seconds or 97% of the video if video is less than 30 seconds. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times the video started automatically playing and people viewed it for 30 seconds or 97% of the video if video is less than 30 seconds. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times people clicked to play the video and viewed it for 30 seconds or 97% of the video if video is less than 30 seconds. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times the video was viewed for 30 seconds or 97% of the video if video is less than 30 seconds without a paid promotion. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times the video was viewed for 30 seconds or 97% of the video if video is less than 30 seconds after a paid promotion. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times the video was viewed for 15 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times the video was viewed for 10 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of unique people who viewed the video for 10 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times the video started automatically playing and people viewed it for 10 seconds, or viewed it to the end, whichever came first. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times people clicked to play the video and viewed it for 10 seconds or viewed it to the end, whichever came first. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times the video was viewed for 10 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first, without a paid promotion. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times the video was viewed for 10 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first, after a paid promotion. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times the video sound was turned on and was viewed for 10 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first. |
total |
INTEGER | The average length of time (in milliseconds) people spent viewing the video. |
total |
INTEGER | The total time (in ms) the video has been viewed. |
total |
INTEGER | The total time (in ms) the video has been viewed in news feed or ticker or on the Page's timeline. |
total |
INTEGER | The total time (in ms) the video has been viewed after paid promotion. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of impressions of the video. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of people the video was served to. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of people the advertised Page Video was served to. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of impressions of the Page Video in an Ad or Sponsored Story. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of people who saw the Page Video in news feed or ticker, or on the Page's timeline. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of impressions of the Video in news feed or ticker or on the Page's timeline. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of people who saw the Page Video in a story from a friend. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of impressions of the Page Video in a story generated by a friend. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of people who saw the Page video because they've liked the Page. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of impressions of the Page Video to people who have liked the Page. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of people who like the Page and who saw the Page Video in an ad or sponsored story. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of paid impressions of the Page Video to people who have liked the Page. |
total |
DECIMAL | The ratio of unique video views to total unique impressions. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of stories created about the Page Video by liking the post. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of stories created about the Page Video by commenting on the post. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of stories created about the Page Video by sharing the post. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of "Like" and "Care" reactions the video got. This also includes reactions on shares. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of "Love" reactions the video got. This also includes reactions on shares. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of "Wow" reactions the video got. This also includes reactions on shares. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of "Haha" reactions the video got. This also includes reactions on shares. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of "Sorry" reactions the video got. This also includes reactions on shares. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of "Anger" reactions the video got. This also includes reactions on shares. |
total |
OBJECT | Lifetime Video View Time (in ms) by Age Bucket and Gender. Provided as an array of objects, each one having id, name and totalVideoViewTimeInMilliseconds properties. The id is a gender and age combination in format "<gender>-<ageRange>". <gender> one of "female", "male" or "unknown". <ageRange> one of "13-17", "18-24", "25-34", "35-44", "45-54", "55-64" or "65+". E.g. [{"id": "female-13-17", "name": "Female 13-17", "totalVideoViewTimeInMilliseconds": 1200}, ...]. |
total |
OBJECT | Lifetime Video View Time (in ms) of the top 45 cities. Provided as an array of objects, each one having id, name and totalVideoViewTimeInMilliseconds properties. E.g. [{"id": "Munich, Bayern", "name": "Munich, Bayern", "totalVideoViewTimeInMilliseconds": 400}, ...]. |
total |
OBJECT | Lifetime Video View Time (in minutes) of the top 45 country. Provided as an array of objects, each one having id, name and totalVideoViewTimeInMinutes properties. E.g. [{"id": "DE", "name": "Germany", "totalVideoViewTimeInMinutes": 400}, ...]. |
total |
OBJECT | Lifetime Percentage of views at each interval (Video). Videos are divided into 40 equal intervals but each interval has a minimum length of 1 second. For example if a video is 30 seconds long the graph contains 30 intervals. Provided as an array of objects, each one having id, name and percentageOfAllViews properties. E.g. [{"id": 0, "name": "0. interval", "percentageOfAllViews": 25.21}, ...]. |
total |
OBJECT | Lifetime Percentage of auto-played views at each interval (Video). Videos are divided into 40 equal intervals but each interval has a minimum length of 1 second. For example if a video is 30 seconds long the graph contains 30 intervals. Provided as an array of objects, each one having id, name and percentageOfAllViews properties. E.g. [{"id": 0, "name": "0. interval", "percentageOfAllViews": 25.21}, ...]. |
total |
OBJECT | Lifetime Percentage of views clicked-to-play at each interval (Video). Videos are divided into 40 equal intervals but each interval has a minimum length of 1 second. For example if a video is 30 seconds long the graph contains 30 intervals. Provided as an array of objects, each one having id, name and percentageOfAllViews properties. E.g. [{"id": 0, "name": "0. interval", "percentageOfAllViews": 25.21}, ...]. |
total |
OBJECT | Views of your video by male viewers at each interval as a percentage of all male views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video asset) (Total Count). E.g. [{"id": 0, "name": "0. interval", "percentageOfAllViews": 25.21}, ...]. |
total |
OBJECT | Views of your video by female viewers at each interval as a percentage of all female views. This metric doesn't count views of videos while they were live. Retention graphs may show more viewers later in the video than at the beginning. People might start the video in the middle, skip ahead, save and rewatch it from that point, or other similar behaviors. (video asset) (Total Count). E.g. [{"id": 0, "name": "0. interval", "percentageOfAllViews": 25.21}, ...]. |
total |
DECIMAL | An estimate of the amount you earned from ad breaks in your video, in U.S. cents, based on the number of impressions and CPM of ads shown. Actual payments may differ if there are content ownership claims or other adjustments. |
total |
INTEGER | Number of times an ad was shown during your video's ad breaks. |
total |
DECIMAL | The average amount paid by advertisers for 1,000 impressions of their ads in your video, in U.S. cents. This number also includes the amount paid to Facebook. |
Holding information about Reels of Facebook Pages.
- Facebook provides access to Insights data for the past two years. Thus initial imports will cover up to two years of data.
Column name | Type | Description |
unique |
STRING | Unique identifier for this row that can be used as a primary key. |
profile |
INTEGER | Identifier for the profile this row belongs to. It's a quintly internal ID and meta data can be fetched by joining the "profiles" table which is ready to be used with all QQL queries. |
time | DATETIME | The time this Reel was created. |
import |
DATETIME | The last time quintly fetched a fresh snapshot of this posting using the APIs of the social networks and there was a modification compared to its former state. |
external |
STRING | The unique id of the Reel. |
internal |
STRING | The quintly internal ID of this post. |
link | LINK | The link to the Reel. |
description | STRING | The description of the Reel. |
post |
OBJECT | The tags that were assigned to this post via the post tagging feature. Provided as a list of objects, e.g. [{"id": 1, "name": "My first tag"}, ...]. |
length | DECIMAL | The duration of this Reel in seconds. |
height | INTEGER | The height of this Reel in pixel. |
width | INTEGER | The width of this Reel in pixel. |
comments | INTEGER | Number of comments on the Reel. |
source | LINK | The link to the raw video file. The source field will not be returned for videos unless the user making the request is an admin of the owning Page. Be aware that the link to the source of this Reel changes over time by design and thus might not work if the Reel was not updated recently. Please use the importTime column to know when the snapshot of this Reel post was last updated. |
picture | LINK | The URL to the attachment preview picture. Holds "null" if no attachment preview picture is available. |
blue |
INTEGER | The number of times this Reel starts to play after an impression is already counted. This metric counts Reels sessions with 1 millisecond or more of playback. This metric excludes replays. |
plays | INTEGER | The number of times your reel starts to play after an impression is already counted. This is defined as reel sessions with 1 millisecond or more and includes replays. Replays are counted after the initial play of the reel in the same session. |
replay | INTEGER | The number of times your reel starts to play again after an initial play of your reel. This is defined as replays of 1 millisecond or more in the same reel session. |
post |
INTEGER | The number of people who saw this Reel at least once, whether or not the person played this Reel. This metric is different from impressions, which includes multiple views of this Reel by the same person. This metric is estimated. |
post |
INTEGER | The total number of milliseconds this Reel played, including time spent replaying this Reel. |
post |
INTEGER | The average number of milliseconds this Reel was played during a single instance of playing it, including time spent replaying this Reel. Because this metric includes replays, the value can be greater than the total length of the Reel. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of "Like" and "Care" reactions the Reel got. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of "Love" reactions the Reel got. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of "Wow" reactions the Reel got. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of "Haha" reactions the Reel got. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of "Sorry" reactions the Reel got. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of "Anger" reactions the Reel got. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of comments on this Reel. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of times this Reel was shared. |
post |
OBJECT | The percentage of times this Reel was played at various timestamp segments (intervals) out of the total number of plays. Most Reels will start out at 100% retention and curve downward as plays begin to drop off. If someone skipped the beginning of the Reel, your curve will start at the timestamp where the Reel started playing. Videos are divided into 40 equal intervals but each interval has a minimum length of 1 second. For example, if a video is 30 seconds long, the data contains 30 intervals. Provided as an array of objects, each one having id, name and percentageOfAllViews properties. E.g. [{"id": 0, "name": "0. interval", "percentageOfAllViews": 25.21}, ...]. |
post |
INTEGER | Number of people who followed your Page or profile within 24 hours of watching this Reel. This metric is estimated. |
Holding the number of Fans (People liking a Facebook Page) online over time, broken down by hour.
Time-series data
This data source returns time-series data representing the development of a set of metrics over time. More specific, time-series data sources return one row per profile per time interval. Each of our data sources supports one or more of the following intervals: daily, weekly, monthly or total. E.g. a request with time period Jan 1st to Jan 10th, daily interval and two profiles selected will return 20 rows. The total interval by definition returns one row per profile holding the numbers for the single "total" interval.
Please note that for weekly and monthly intervals the start and end time of the selected time period will be expanded to cover full intervals. E.g. for monthly interval a time period from 3rd of March to 10th of April will be expanded to March 1st to April 30th to cover full months.
- Facebook provides access to Insights data for the past two years. Thus initial imports will cover up to two years of data.
Column name | Type | Description |
unique |
STRING | Unique identifier for this row that can be used as a primary key. |
profile |
INTEGER | Identifier for the profile this row belongs to. It's a quintly internal ID and meta data can be fetched by joining the "profiles" table which is ready to be used with all QQL queries. |
time | DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month). As this data set is broken down by hour, the date time includes the full hour with minutes and seconds set to 00. |
timestamp | INTEGER | The unix timestamp of the date time including the hour within the "time" column. This column is useful to uniquely identify the exact point in time, as the hour can exist twice for the same day in case of summer/winter time shifts. |
interval |
DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the beginning of the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month) in user timezone. |
interval |
DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the end of the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month) in user timezone. |
import |
DATETIME | The last time quintly fetched a fresh snapshot for this profile and interval using the APIs of the social networks and there was a modification compared to its former state. |
fans (Deprecates September 16, 2024) |
INTEGER | The number of Fans of a Facebook Page being online on Facebook in the current interval. Facebook considers a user to be online if it saw any posts on Facebook in that time. |
(Deprecates March 18, 2024)
Holding the number of won and lost Page Likes of Facebook Pages including their development over time. In contrast to our change metrics for Page Likes in public data sources, this one can be used to show how many Page Likes were gained and lost over time.
This data source deprecates on March 18, 2024. Learn more about recent changes and upcoming deprecations of data sources here.
Time-series data
This data source returns time-series data representing the development of a set of metrics over time. More specific, time-series data sources return one row per profile per time interval. Each of our data sources supports one or more of the following intervals: daily, weekly, monthly or total. E.g. a request with time period Jan 1st to Jan 10th, daily interval and two profiles selected will return 20 rows. The total interval by definition returns one row per profile holding the numbers for the single "total" interval.
Please note that for weekly and monthly intervals the start and end time of the selected time period will be expanded to cover full intervals. E.g. for monthly interval a time period from 3rd of March to 10th of April will be expanded to March 1st to April 30th to cover full months.
- Daily, weekly and monthly intervals are aggregated in PST timezone as provided by Facebook.
- The monthly interval shows 28 day values as provided by Facebook representing the last 28 days of each month.
- Facebook provides access to Insights data for the past two years. Thus initial imports will cover up to two years of data.
Column name | Type | Description |
unique |
STRING | Unique identifier for this row that can be used as a primary key. |
profile |
INTEGER | Identifier for the profile this row belongs to. It's a quintly internal ID and meta data can be fetched by joining the "profiles" table which is ready to be used with all QQL queries. |
time | DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month). |
interval |
DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the beginning of the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month) in user timezone. |
interval |
DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the end of the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month) in user timezone. |
import |
DATETIME | The last time quintly fetched a fresh snapshot for this profile and interval using the APIs of the social networks and there was a modification compared to its former state. |
source | LINK | The source according to Facebook's documentation. |
likes | INTEGER | The number of new Page Likes in the current interval. |
likes |
INTEGER | The number of unique new Page Likes in the current interval. |
unlikes |
INTEGER | The number of unique lost Page Likes in the current interval. |
Holding the number of Views of Facebook Pages per Referral sending traffic to a Facebook Page including their development over time. Referrals can be both external domains and internal pages on Facebook (e.g. Profile, Search, Requests, Suggestions, Stream)
Time-series data
This data source returns time-series data representing the development of a set of metrics over time. More specific, time-series data sources return one row per profile per time interval. Each of our data sources supports one or more of the following intervals: daily, weekly, monthly or total. E.g. a request with time period Jan 1st to Jan 10th, daily interval and two profiles selected will return 20 rows. The total interval by definition returns one row per profile holding the numbers for the single "total" interval.
Please note that for weekly and monthly intervals the start and end time of the selected time period will be expanded to cover full intervals. E.g. for monthly interval a time period from 3rd of March to 10th of April will be expanded to March 1st to April 30th to cover full months.
- Daily, weekly and monthly intervals are aggregated in PST timezone as provided by Facebook.
- The monthly interval shows 28 day values as provided by Facebook representing the last 28 days of each month.
- Facebook provides access to Insights data for the past two years. Thus initial imports will cover up to two years of data.
Column name | Type | Description |
unique |
STRING | Unique identifier for this row that can be used as a primary key. |
profile |
INTEGER | Identifier for the profile this row belongs to. It's a quintly internal ID and meta data can be fetched by joining the "profiles" table which is ready to be used with all QQL queries. |
time | DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month). |
interval |
DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the beginning of the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month) in user timezone. |
interval |
DATETIME | Holding the full date and time information describing the end of the current interval (e.g. a day, week, month) in user timezone. |
import |
DATETIME | The last time quintly fetched a fresh snapshot for this profile and interval using the APIs of the social networks and there was a modification compared to its former state. |
referral | STRING | The referral the traffic is coming from, either an external domain name or internal pages on Facebook (e.g. Profile, Search, Requests, Suggestions, Stream). |
views | INTEGER | The total number of Page Views. |
Holding public information about posts of Facebook Pages.
- Facebook provides access to approximately 600 of the best ranked posts per year per Facebook Page. Thus initial imports will cover up to 600 ranked posts per year. For the same reason metrics of posts cannot be updated if they have moved out of the 600 ranked posts per year window.
- Targeted posts are not imported.
- Deleted posts will not be removed from our database once they have been imported.
- Co-author post are only visible under the owner page.
- Reels are not included.
Column name | Type | Description |
unique |
STRING | Unique identifier for this row that can be used as a primary key. |
profile |
INTEGER | Identifier for the profile this row belongs to. It's a quintly internal ID and meta data can be fetched by joining the "profiles" table which is ready to be used with all QQL queries. |
time | DATETIME | The time this posting was published. |
import |
DATETIME | The last time quintly fetched a fresh snapshot of this posting using the APIs of the social networks and there was a modification compared to its former state. |
message | STRING | The contents of the post message. |
post |
OBJECT | The tags that were assigned to this post via the post tagging feature. Provided as a list of objects, e.g. [{"id": 1, "name": "My first tag"}, ...]. |
mentions | OBJECT | The tagged users or Facebook Pages within the post's message. Provided as a list of objects, e.g. [{"id": "128340270541979", "name": "quintly", "type": "Page", "offset": 10, "length": 7}, ...]. |
hashtags | OBJECT | The hashtags used within the post's message. Provided as a list of strings, e.g. ["#hashtag1", "#hashtag2"]. |
type | STRING | The object type of the post. |
link | LINK | The link to the post. |
story | STRING | Text of the accompanying story shown on Facebook. E.g., "BMW posted a video to playlist BMW TODAY." |
external |
STRING | The unique id of the post. |
internal |
STRING | The quintly internal ID of this post. |
likes | INTEGER | Number of "Like" or "Care" reactions the post got. This doesn't include reactions on shares. |
love | INTEGER | Number of "Love" reactions the post got. This doesn't include reactions on shares. |
wow | INTEGER | Number of "Wow" reactions the post got. This doesn't include reactions on shares. |
haha | INTEGER | Number of "Haha" reactions the post got. This doesn't include reactions on shares. |
sad | INTEGER | Number of "sad" reactions the post got. This doesn't include reactions on shares. |
angry | INTEGER | Number of "angry" reactions the post got. This doesn't include reactions on shares. |
thankful | INTEGER | Number of "Thankful" reactions the post got. This doesn't include reactions on shares. |
comments | INTEGER | Number of comments the post got. This doesn't include comments on shares. |
shares | INTEGER | Number of shares the post got. This doesn't include shares of shares. |
interaction |
PERCENT | Holds the interaction rate of the post. You can find more information on how we calculate the interaction rate in our knowledge base article. |
fans | INTEGER | Number of fans the page had on the day the post was published. |
followers | INTEGER | Number of followers the page had on the day the post was published. |
is |
BOOLEAN | If the posted video was live or not. Holds "1" if the post was a live post, "" if not. |
is |
BOOLEAN | If the posted audio was live or not. Holds "1" if the post was a live post, "" if not. |
is |
BOOLEAN | If the post is a shared post or not. Holds "1" if the post is a shared post, "" if not. |
is |
BOOLEAN | If the post contains a 360 degree photo/video or not. Holds "1" if the post contains a 360 degree photo or video, "" if not. If the post is a shared 360 degree photo/video, Facebook can not detect that the original post contains 360 degree content thus the column would also hold "". |
is |
BOOLEAN | Describes if the post is an co-author post. |
is |
BOOLEAN | Indicates if post is owned by the page. An example for a non-owned post is a co-authored post. |
attachment |
STRING | The name of the post's attachment. Holds "null" if no attachment name is set. |
attachment |
STRING | A description of a link in the post (appears beneath the attachmentCaption). Holds "null" if no attachment description is set. |
attachment |
STRING | The link in the caption of a post. The caption must be an actual URL and when clicking on it, it should accurately reflect the URL of the associated advertiser, business or owner of the posted content (e.g. news article). If the post is shared and contains another shared post the value will be null. |
attachment |
LINK | The URL of the post's attachment. Holds "null" if no attachment URL is available. |
attachment |
LINK | The URL to the attachment preview picture. Holds "null" if no attachment preview picture is available. |
Holding public information about questions by Facebook users posted to the Timeline of Facebook Pages. Please note this data source is a subset of facebookUserPosts, just showing User Posts identified as a question. A question is defined as any message containing a question mark.
Column name | Type | Description |
unique |
STRING | Unique identifier for this row that can be used as a primary key. |
profile |
INTEGER | Identifier for the profile this row belongs to. It's a quintly internal ID and meta data can be fetched by joining the "profiles" table which is ready to be used with all QQL queries. |
time | DATETIME | The time this posting was published. |
external |
STRING | The unique id of the post. |
user |
STRING | No documentation available yet |
fans | INTEGER | Number of fans the page had on the day the post was published. |
likes | INTEGER | No documentation available yet |
love | INTEGER | No documentation available yet |
wow | INTEGER | No documentation available yet |
haha | INTEGER | No documentation available yet |
sad | INTEGER | No documentation available yet |
angry | INTEGER | No documentation available yet |
comments | INTEGER | No documentation available yet |
shares | INTEGER | No documentation available yet |
response |
DATETIME | No documentation available yet |
time |
INTEGER | No documentation available yet |
interaction |
PERCENT | No documentation available yet |
link | LINK | No documentation available yet |
message | STRING | No documentation available yet |
is |
BOOLEAN | No documentation available yet |
Holding public information about posts by Facebook users to Facebook Pages, matching the posts shown in the Community tab of the Page.
- Facebook provides access to approximately 600 of the best ranked posts per year per Facebook Page. Thus initial imports will cover up to 600 ranked posts per year. For the same reason metrics of posts cannot be updated if they have moved out of the 600 ranked posts per year window.
- Targeted posts are not imported.
- Deleted posts will not be removed from our database once they have been imported.
- When a Facebook Page disallows posts, user posts will always be 0. Additionally, some user posts might not be included if the users who made them, do not allow their data to be shared via the API.
Column name | Type | Description |
unique |
STRING | Unique identifier for this row that can be used as a primary key. |
profile |
INTEGER | Identifier for the profile this row belongs to. It's a quintly internal ID and meta data can be fetched by joining the "profiles" table which is ready to be used with all QQL queries. |
time | DATETIME | The time this posting was published. |
import |
DATETIME | The last time quintly fetched a fresh snapshot of this posting using the APIs of the social networks and there was a modification compared to its former state. |
user |
STRING | The name of the user who created the user post. |
message | STRING | The contents of the post message. |
type | ENUM | The object type of the post. |
link | LINK | The link to the post. |
external |
STRING | The unique id of the post. |
likes | INTEGER | Number of "Like" and "Care" reactions the post got. This doesn't include reactions on shares. |
love | INTEGER | Number of "Love" reactions the post got. This doesn't include reactions on shares. |
wow | INTEGER | Number of "Wow" reactions the post got. This doesn't include reactions on shares. |
haha | INTEGER | Number of "Haha" reactions the post got. This doesn't include reactions on shares. |